Maxed out Violations


Zero State
Mar 31, 2005
I achieved what I have never been able to do in the past. A great personal milestone. A cop writing me up at about 2am this morning, wrote me up on 4 violations! (I'm driving my daily driver Neon btw). Completely filled the front of the ticket. You could tell he was itching to write me up for anything and everything. Bet it was a slow July 4th for him:cry:. Didn't write enough tickets? Or just being more than an exceptional jerk? Here's the story:

So I'm coming back from working on a friends car. Still tired and a bit dirty. I get off the freeway and make my way towards my friends house (I took another friend with me, now dropping him off). Making a right turn onto a main street, a cop in the other direction pulls a U-turn from the middle lane and immediately flashes his lights. I put my left turn signal on and motion for a left turn lane when the cop darts, and I mean DARTS into the left lane so fast I can see him stuffed in my left hand mirror. I know I'm done already, so I keep my signal on and slowly move into the residential area, afraid of hitting the bastard who's now hogging the left turn lane. I had my signal on the WHOLE time mind you, but he charges me with an unsafe left turn anyhow. He asks me to pop my hood. I tell him Legal AEM Cold Air intake. He opens, looks around, closes. He says you have modified exhaust. I say sure, why not, stock SRT-4 rear section, coming off this weekend (was ear-splitting up in the mountains last time). He says license insurance and registration, I say only insurance and license only at the time. He says insurance is expired (it was), but I know I am insured. I come home and find my insurance card. My registration is yet to be found, but probably going to the DMV tomorrow and have a new one printed up. It seems I lost it when making a copy that's required for the overnight parking permit in my city. So all in all, he cites me for an unsafe left turn I feel is his own fault (I wonder how that'll fly in court :naughty: ), no proof of insurance or registration, and modified exhaust. No big deal, already mentally preparing a defense, taking note of his actions in his cruiser, lights on, etc.

What DID get me was how he insulted me. Now I'm 22, I still live at home, I work a menial job at a pool hall, and my parents still cover my essentials, cell phone bill, car registration and insurance fees. I take out loans to go to school and am studying Mechanical Engineering at Cal Poly Pomona. I'm very grateful my parents still cover my basic needs, and I am trying to get a real job and graduate within the next year. So when he said my insurance expired, I said "dang it mom!", cause she forgot to give me my new insurance card. I told him if he runs everything it'll come up as me as the owner and fully registered. Here's the rest of the convo:

Officer: "How old are you?"
Me: "22 years old."
Officer: "So your mom still does your insurance for you?
Me: "Yes."
Officer: "Are you 18?"
Me: "No."
Officer: "So you're 22 and your mom still does your insurance for you. Does she put it in your wallet for you and your registration in your glove-box for you too?"
Me: "I don't know how to respond to that officer, other than I am still a student trying to graduate and work a very menial job that doesn't make enough money to cover those."
Officer (after about 5 mins): "I'm citing you for Modified exhaust, No proof of insurance, Registration card not in car and unsafe left turn. I need you to sign here. By signing you are not proving your own guilt, but you promise to call this number (smog ref #) and take care of these on or before this date (points to date)."
Me: Are any of these correctable?
Officer: "Well, only the insurance is correctable."
Me: (Signs) "I'm sorry officer for not being prepared. Thank you." (thinking, but you can bet your ass I'll be prepared in front of the judge.)

I was so taken aback by how he directly insulted my very fortunate state, I could do nothing but be as polite as I could to him. I was planning on repairing my car this weekend anyhow (needs a new 02 sensor, keep throwing a code) so all the stock stuff is going back on, even the intake. I'll take it to a ref, pass, then fight that bastard in court and even re-trial if I need to about that unsafe left turn. I do not need another moving violation on my record. I really don't know, he's got his lights flashing, he's already got me, I've got my signal on, and he moves into the left turn lane, practically blocking me. He says something about me almost hitting him and then making an unsafe left turn, of course you idiot!, I didn't WANT to hit you, if I moved to the left turn lane, BAM! I would have. If I went forward, what would you have said? Trying to evade a traffic stop? I was completely open about what I had on the car, what I didn't have, making his job easier, but I'll be damned if he thinks I'm going down without a fight. AHH.. that felt better. Got some venting done. O yeah, and my friend was in the car with me (i.e. witness). I could say see you in court jackass but... but .... yeah I'll just leave it at that.

Feeling a little more than angry,


Zero State
Mar 31, 2005
I'm going with modified exhaust. I should know exactly what was the reason once I get his notes and such subpoenaed or get them through the discovery request. I'm kinda confused, since he said you've got modified exhaust and unsafe left turn real quick. Although I dunno if I can say it's OEM (on SRT4's).
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Setting the standard
Feb 22, 2007
Central Florida
No matter what exhaust you have, even open downpipe... they are all quiet if you're not being an asshole revving it out. I'm sure you were or else he wouldn't have pulled you over.


Zero State
Mar 31, 2005
Wrong. I saw him from awhile off, I had a feeling he would pull me over. And no, I didn't come tearing off the freeway at 5K rpm either. Hey, it's 2 am, easy target. I tried the whole creeping along quietly thing keeping the revs low, but when I saw him make a U-turn from the middle lane going across a Red-light, well you get the picture. That's why I was just being polite in my speech, I knew there was no way I could win, he'd assume anything and everything was a violation. Plus since I knew what an asshole he'd been talking to me, I might have been an asshole and revved around the corner as loud as I could, but I didn't. Even I know to try to keep quiet at 2am in residential places. Dammit, I live around there too :-D.
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Setting the standard
Feb 22, 2007
Central Florida
I have over 30 tickets since I was 16 dude, you can't fool me. I have never got pulled over for not doing anything wrong. You drive a dodge neon, unless it's ghetto with super tinted windows, rimzzzz, and that loud SRT4 exhaust, it's one car you're garenteed to never get pulled over in


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Ric said:
I have over 30 tickets since I was 16 dude, you can't fool me. I have never got pulled over for not doing anything wrong. You drive a dodge neon, unless it's ghetto with super tinted windows, rimzzzz, and that loud SRT4 exhaust, it's one car you're garenteed to never get pulled over in

I was pulled over for doing 40 in a 45 one time, but he said I was doing 65 or faster. I told him to show me on that radar gun where it said or faster, better yet show me the radar gun. He didn't even have a radar gun in his car. He was a Jefferson County sherriff and he was sitting in a driveway when I went by. He didn't have one mounted and he didn't have one in his hand, he was writing a report and didn't see me until I was about fifty yards past him. I started walking back to his patrol car to look for a radar gun and he told me he was going to arrest me for trying to elude a police officer...............:nono: All of this was in a 1983 supra. I fought it in court, was found guilty and then charged with contempt of court for calling the cop a no good liar and telling him he'd rot in the eternal pits of hell for lieing under oath............:biglaugh:

The point is, I swear on my little girls life that I wasn't speeding and I got a ticket anyways.

You can fight it if you want too, but you'll be found guilty on all accounts. GL


Zero State
Mar 31, 2005
Yeah CK, mom still covers my insurance. Cheaper that way. I tried a year ago getting my own insurance, the bastards at farmers wanted $300 more per 6-month than my mom was paying just for me (which was $400). Shopped around, got all-state, now for 3 cars every 6 months is a little over $1000.

Just because your own personal experience states that, doesn't mean other personal experiences agree with you. My personal experience thus far is that cops come in 3 flavors: Nice, Assholes, and a mixture of the 2. Somedays you get the nice cop. Like the last two who let me off with a warning when I had NO Exhaust on my DD car (I replaced it with a SRT section until my new Stock section arrives so I wouldn't scrape anymore. Old rear section was damaged.) Other days you get a mixture, the one who cites you but is nice about it. I got pulled for speeding through an intersection. Cop asked me, why am I going so fast? I said I'm late for class. He said, well you know a couple weeks ago we had a bad accident happen in this intersection, we're posted out here for the next month or so to try to get people to slow down. He even showed me his Lidar gun and how to use it. He looked at my record, and said I am eligible for traffic school. Said I was going nearly 60 in a 40, but only wrote me up for 50. Took school, and now I slow for that intersection every time. Somedays you get the asshole, who, no matter what you do, even LOOK or SOUND like you have a modded car, is just itching to get under your hood. Isn't it nice that I had NOTHING there except a LEGAL intake? So he wrote on my citation "not fixable" although under statewide law (which, according to the CHP website cannot be circumvented by local law) it is recommended that fixable be checked. So he's not required to, but he's sending me to a smog ref anyway? Yeah, like I'm SOOOO worried my STOCK Neon will fail smog.... Even though he KNOWS that once I produce proof of insurance and registration, those citations are pretty much overturned. What kicks my balls is the unsafe turn. I got an idea of a defense, but until it might work or not, I don't want to broadcast it out. My hope is catching him or prosecutor on a technicality so I don't need to defend myself with the actual charges. Eh, I'm not to worried about it, I just have to figure out how I'm going to say everything in court and what to watch out for. Be ready in all cases.


Setting the standard
Feb 22, 2007
Central Florida
You need to work on that game plan. At least for future references, you should put all that time and effort of thinking out plans to NOT get tickets in the first place instead of thinking how to get out of them once you do get one. Especially if the neon is your beater, that thing should be 100% OEM stock.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
From what you've described this should be beatable, or at least reducable in court. Here's my favorite website for hints on fighting tickets. It's mostly speeding related, but there are a lot of good points on what information to gather and how to present your arguments in front of the judge. Keeping your cool probably helped, but that sucks:

See if that helps, and good luck.


Zero State
Mar 31, 2005
Yeah, I'm returning the Neon to Stock Ric. Bad judgment on my part I admit. But you can't say cops are always scrupulous, when they want to get ya, they will. At least they ain't like Long Beach PD. A friend of mine who grew up there, he's white, gets pulled over for a busted light (his were all okay) and they start asking whether he had drugs etc on him and ask what a white boy is doing out so late. So him insulting me isn't even half as bad as that. You know, come to think of it, this officer looked kind of like a "nice one" who let me off for exhaust a month back or so. Nah, that one was a lot skinnier. This one looked more in the 250lb range.

I found a great website that gave me a ton of information. Thanks, I'll check that one out too.


Setting the standard
Feb 22, 2007
Central Florida
Just something I noticed from driving 100+mi a day since I was 16...

You never see "nice" cars pulled over. When is the last time you seen a MKIV pulled over? How about an M3? Porsche? 350z with rims and body kit? EVO? Rarely ever or never.

So what does get pulled over? Older cars with less then perfect body work and paint, usually with visable aftermarket modifications. Civics, neons, older supras, anything that's kinda beat up with aftermarket mods. They are targets because usually inside will be a teenage boy that you'll be able to bust him on something without a doubt, and usually find drugs.

If you know you're a target, don't fall into the trap. I didn't learn that til I was 22 and purchased the lexus sc. Instead of getting a ticket a month, I still retained all my speeding and bad habits, even blow by cops doing 20 over, and I've been ticket free for 3 years now.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Ric said:
Just something I noticed from driving 100+mi a day since I was 16...

You never see "nice" cars pulled over. When is the last time you seen a MKIV pulled over? How about an M3? Porsche? 350z with rims and body kit? EVO? Rarely ever or never.

So what does get pulled over? Older cars with less then perfect body work and paint, usually with visable aftermarket modifications. Civics, neons, older supras, anything that's kinda beat up with aftermarket mods. They are targets because usually inside will be a teenage boy that you'll be able to bust him on something without a doubt, and usually find drugs.

If you know you're a target, don't fall into the trap. I didn't learn that til I was 22 and purchased the lexus sc. Instead of getting a ticket a month, I still retained all my speeding and bad habits, even blow by cops doing 20 over, and I've been ticket free for 3 years now.

Thats true....Even when unlicensed drivers use nice cars, they do not get pulled over. Cops pull you over when your car looks like shit.

Probably they think the guys with shitty cars do nto have money to afford insurance and other shit.



Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
Ric said:
You never see "nice" cars pulled over. When is the last time you seen a MKIV pulled over? How about an M3? Porsche? 350z with rims and body kit? EVO? Rarely ever or never.

I can agree to this. I have a CLK benz, and never get a second look. Tinted front windows, rims and exhaust. Never a second look.

I like that ;)


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
JustAnotherVictim said:
I figure it's because they think you can afford a lawyer so you're more trouble than you're worth most of the time.
Plus rich people never have drugs...

Lol..they can afford the best kind...
