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  1. Justin

    want to kill this type r!

    So do you ;) (sorry, couldn't resist:))
  2. Justin

    No egr?

    By gasket maker are you talking about something like Liquid gasket? ie: the right stuff, toyota FIPG, etc? If that's what you're referring to I sure wouldn't use it. Buy the gaskets, they're not that expensive. If you need a gasket for the EGR cooler I have one I'll sell ya.
  3. Justin

    No egr?

    I wasn't talking to you.
  4. Justin

    No egr?

    I hope there are no replies to it at all. The thread needs to be shut down. There is already a multi page thread detailing anything anyone would want to know about the subject. It doesn't need to be brought up again.
  5. Justin

    and I thought I had problems......

    That's horrible. That sure is a way to put your (not YOU personally) into perspective.
  6. Justin

    Oregon Speeding Ticket

    Don't say you were keeping up with traffic, that's admitting to speeding and alot of judges don't give a shit about the speed of traffic. Look into deferment. I've had two speeding tickets deferred. What that means is, I pay the fine, and if I don't get another ticket (PERIOD) within...
  7. Justin

    NSW, and M/T Wire

    :yelrotflm:yelrotflm:yelrotflm:yelrotflm You sure have it out for this guy :p
  8. Justin

    Timing Belt...Radiator Removal?

    WHy do you say that?
  9. Justin

    HKS Legamax Exhaust

    WTF!? I guess rules are getting copied and pasted from SF :(
  10. Justin

    HKS Legamax Exhaust

    Hey that's pretty snazzy.
  11. Justin

    the t3d's FIRST "Performance before Appearance" BUILD THREAD!

    Indeed. You don't want to have to clean up the mess for one. There's nothing like having a perfectly clean engine. Who knows, maybe they'll projectile out of there and dump oil in the timing belt cavern and you'll have oil EVERYWHERE and have to replace your timing belt. Worst case...
  12. Justin

    R.H.D turbo "garbage" from France

    Your english is better than 90% of the people who post on the boards. Welcome, and nice Supra!
  13. Justin

    OEM speaker size???

    ahaha. Those polks could be purchased cheaper at your local circuit city. Online stereo is a good idea. eBay, not so much.
  14. Justin

    the t3d's FIRST "Performance before Appearance" BUILD THREAD!

    I'm only commenting on this because it appears to have gone un-addressed. Those seals are in backwards. I don't know the effect of that, but it would really be a good thing for you to find out what problems that will cause.
  15. Justin

    Vacuum Valve for the Charcol Canister

    Ahhh. See I was under a false impression of how the system operated. I was under the idea that the vacuum lines were strictly for opening and closing a valve or something, I did not realize that fumes were ingested by the engine. I thought the charcoal in the canister neutralized the...
  16. Justin

    Vacuum Valve for the Charcol Canister

    Yes, that's what I mean. Why is it a bad thing to have off idle EVAP purge while the coolant temp is lower? Basically what I'm getting at is why not have a Charcoal Canister in the back instead of up front?
  17. Justin

    Vacuum Valve for the Charcol Canister

    What does it do, and why? I've seen a few vehicles with C.C.s hooked up in the rear (A 90's Chevy I did an amp in yesterday for one). I highly doubt there is a vacuum line ran all the way back in the vehicles that utilize it in the rear... Just wondering :)
  18. Justin

    Photo help for sig please....

    Yeah that's what I was worried about. Oh Well. Thanks :)
  19. Justin

    Photo help for sig please....

    I'm trying to get this picture to retain the skyline and still conform to the SM specs without distorting the shit out of the picture.... can it be done? Thanks if so :) (Picture is 6 megs)
  20. Justin

    I have new toy.

    wow! That is some VERY nice hardware.