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  1. Justin

    Daily Driver FTMFW

    haha. how's that going for you this year? Got stuck yet? My Supra is in the garage and there it shall stay. I can walk or bus where I need to go.
  2. Justin

    The Build of p5150 - 2JZGE-T, GT4294, Paint, and more stuff

    Phsss. What a photoshop ;) Nice to see things are going well man. I wish I could have had a ride in it :p
  3. Justin

    Who's drunk right now!?

    Holy balls. The entire thread was making sense until i got to this post. WHAT THE FUCK. I am so drunk. Why is it thta ti can type faster and more ac\curate when i'm drunk than when i'm sober? Odd. I'm going to go bo play call of duty. I'm going to kill some bitches. or get...
  4. Justin

    My 1991 Jay Blue Supra

    Yes there is. It goes in the middle hole of the cam and the only hole on the gear.
  5. Justin

    This is peaceful.

    This is not necessary peaceful but it sure is awesome. Its a good friend of my brothers up in Calgary.
  6. Justin


    And you have one back, thank you. Make sure if you request a carfax DO NOT POST THE VIN. Communicate it through PM only. That is how people get in trouble.
  7. Justin


    Is anyone doing a carfax run right now? I have a car I'm looking at buying but its a little suspect... I'd like to run a carfax to help foolishly set my mind at ease :)
  8. Justin

    what is the best bullet proof set of locking lug nutz money can buy

    I use Gorilla brand. I have two sets, along with the tuner lugs that my wheels require.
  9. Justin

    how many tickets does it take?

    I've received 3. Zero are on my record.
  10. Justin

    Rs4Rush Build Thread Part 2!

    Lookin good man.
  11. Justin

    Uh... Stereo... Wow.... If this is the wrong spot move it. I just thought everyone should see this. Wow... Not a good wow either :p
  12. Justin

    bypassing heatercore

    No frickin kidding. They're pretty reasonable through Champion Toyota.
  13. Justin

    Who Has Fit 5-1/4'' Speakers In Front Stock Speaker Pods?? ('88)

    Cutting, and ALOT of heat gunning. You could not see any difference at all.
  14. Justin

    Who Has Fit 5-1/4'' Speakers In Front Stock Speaker Pods?? ('88)

    I fit a set of 5.25's in the front panel, and sealed them. It took alot of work but I got it done. I don't THINK I have any pictures but I'll take a look later ( Read as: probably not getting any pictures ;) )
  15. Justin

    Power wire fell out of my Sony stereo plug???????

    You probably didn't put it back in correctly.
  16. Justin

    BlueRay players

    Thanks, I really don't want a PS3. I may change my mind, but I doubt it.
  17. Justin

    eibach springs 17's 18's

    Eibach w/ KYB's. 18's.
  18. Justin

    BlueRay players

    If i were in the market for a blueray player where would be the best place to buy one? I can get an associate discount at Circuit City but I know alot of times there are cheaper places online for new equipment. Anyone know of a good place for this kind of stuff?
  19. Justin

    Power wire fell out of my Sony stereo plug???????

    The red wire goes to the right of the black wire. Row one starts with the yellow wire on the left and row two starts with the black wire on the left. One pin in from the black wire is the red wire.
  20. Justin

    Power wire fell out of my Sony stereo plug???????

    Hang on, I assumed you were refering to the yellow wire. Are you? There's two 'powers' Above, or below (depending on which way you hold the plug) the ground wire. That's the black one ;)