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  1. Justin

    Simple BOV question

    This is back to the basics but I was asleep during "Details on how a BOV works 101" I'm planning on picking up a Tial BOV and i've been seeing there are alot of different springs avaliable. Why would I want to get a 7 opposed to a 9 opposed to higher, opposed to whatever? Thanks for...
  2. Justin

    You think your cat gets pissed?
  3. Justin

    Sound from new cam gears

    PICTURES OF THESE SEXY GEARS BELOW!!!! I just replaced my bent stock cam gears with duanes old AEM ones. The install went way quick, much faster than I expected. Once I got around a few minor problems and got it running I hear a new and unusual whining sound coming from the cam gear...
  4. Justin

    Coolant Sensor Diagram

    I lost my copy of the diagram that names all the sensors on the t-stat housing, can someone post itplease?
  5. Justin

    Those of you with a clear timing cover

    Do you have to remove the thermostat housing to remove the lower half of the clear timing cover?
  6. Justin

    Ugh, Cam gear swap

    I got some new to me cam gears to replace my bent ones... Is the replacement simply going to be pulling off the cover, pulling out the plug for the bolt on the tensioner and letting the bolt out a bit? sliding the belt off the gears, putting the new ones on, and then be done? Just wanna...
  7. Justin

    Clunking Noise

    I have a clunking noise whenever I accelerate, or do some type of sharp movement, let off quick, jam on the gas, I will get a clunk from behind me... I thought it was the rear end being worn out but I replaced that and still have the noise. I jacked the car up and tested all of the 'u' joints...
  8. Justin

    What Offset?

    I'm going to get some TSW Nogaros! Finally! I'm going with 18x8 and 18x9. Suspension is going to be KYB GR-2's and Eibachs. What Offset do I want? I know the tire place is going to recommend a offset, but I wanna make sure its the right offset. It looks like I can get 40 in the front and...
  9. Justin

    Suspension Questions

    Two questions: Anything else I should do other than an alignment when I put on my eibachs and kyb's? Any other parts I should replace? Where is the best price to grab a set of eibachs? I normally order all my shit from HPF but I was wondering if there was somewhere that sold...
  10. Justin

    Little Help with a new car

    My Girlfriend is looking at a 2002 Mitsubishi lancer with 67k on it. the guy wants 5k for it and fromw hat I've heard there is ntohing wrong with the car. I don't know anything about mitsubishis so I was wanting everyones input... is this a good car, or one known for problems?
  11. Justin

    If its not one thing, Its another. (QUestion about Cam gears)

    I was sitting at a light and a grinding noise started. At first I just figured it was a pump or something, no biggie... I pulled into my buddies house which is where I was going in the first place and popped the hood. When I rested my hand on the cam cover I knew right away it wasn't...
  12. Justin

    12 Volt Mod

    I want to get rid of the relay and resistor... Obviously two of the wires on the relay need to be connected... can someone post the diagram of the wring to the relay and resistor? I checked the TSRM but can't find it. (still looking though :)) woohoo, I found it.
  13. Justin

    Walbro Install now Running lean?

    I'm running about 11 PSI on stock turbo, stock fuel, VPC, E01 and an LC1 wideband. When I would hit full boost I'd run about 10.3 +\- I just installed the walbro 255, now I'm running low 11's!!! my idle has also gone down, I've always had a really shitty idle, way high (1000RPMs+) and after...
  14. Justin

    Why is my coolant brown/black?

    Fresh engine, 2200 miles on it... pulled my radiator out to pull out the AC condensor... drained the coolant and this is the gross shit that came out...... what's goin on?
  15. Justin

    Current Draw...

    How much current does a stock supra draw? I'm putting in 800 watts RMS which translates into 57 amps current draw... just curious as to how much the supra draws?
  16. Justin

    Fluidyne Radiator! NOW!

    my buddy is trying to order a fluidyne radiator before vancouver but no one has 'em in stock! He has one on order at HPF but it won't get here untill the day we're supposed to leave, and that's only PROJECTED date. I don't care where its ordered from but we want it now! I've called HPF...
  17. Justin

    Driveshaft Center Carrier Bearing

    Whenever I accel or decell my car makes a nasty sounding clunk... I just inspected the entire driveline and the only thing I found was that the carrier bearing, center bearing, middle thing, whatever its called can move up,down, right left, I can spin in in a friggin circle... is that normal, or...
  18. Justin

    What to do: Road Trip!

    So I'm going to be making the drive from Spokane upto Vancouver for the meet... What allshould I do to make sure the car is up for the drive? The engine is fairly new (2k mi) with no problems as of now... I'm going make sure fuel is up to par ( new pump, regulator, injectors are new, etc.)...
  19. Justin

    Fan Clutch

    Is there a set rpm the stock fan clutch is supposed to disengage? I've been noticing that it'll stay locked all through the power band, at idle, almost constantly... then randomly it'll release. I just got a new muffler that made my car really quiet... you can't hear the muffler if the fan...
  20. Justin

    Quote This!

    I notice sometimes people quote ALOT of people in a single reply... how do you do that, or is it manually copy/paste?