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  1. Justin

    Car will just die

    Took a downpayment on the 88t... I pulled out all the electroncis (emanage, vpc, e01, zt2) and the hks ssq. Now the car will barely idle and is pulling these codes: 22 - Water Temp Signal 24 - Intake Air Temp 32 - AFM Signal 41 - TPS Sensor 51 - Switch Condition (TPS/AC Switch)...
  2. Justin

    Door Locks

    page1 page 2 Those are links to the TEWD on door locks. If I am reading this correctly (which there's a HUGE chance I am not) I am seeing that there are two switches (interior) two key switches (exterior) and two solenoids (the actual actuators) and the control relay. I also see two...
  3. Justin

    Oil prices going down? a 1.50 gas???

    We were bored at work today and the topic of gas came up... i started bitching about it till my buddy told me that it was projected to be 1.50 for regular this coming summer? has anyone heard about this? they were saying the oil companies are in trouble for jacking the shti out of prices....
  4. Justin

    Bleeding my ps

    I jacked the front of the car up, let the engine warm up, and cranked the wheel lock-to-lock many times with the cap of the sp res. the level in the res didn't change.... is that supposed to happen? I expected the level to drop?
  5. Justin

    New Climate Control colors.... :)

    I got tired of the old ugly green.... the rest of the green in the car is on the way out too! I updated the gauge cluster a bit too :)
  6. Justin

    Help With Oil (I Guess?) problem

    I put a freshly rebuilt engine in my supra that had a complete stock rebulid done. Ran it for 20 miles before noticing the rear main seal was put in wrong (my fault) and the rear seal of the tranny was leaking (its old). So I pulled the engine to replace those two seals. Before I pulled the...
  7. Justin

    Car's done

    Figured i'd post some pictures. I fired it up exactly four months to the day from when it went down.... hopefully it stays running this time. Go Supra.
  8. Justin

    Took some pictures today ( H U G E )

    a buddy and i went out driving today to monitor AFR and decided to take a few pictures....
  9. Justin

    Last Thing

    The clear timing cover! I have a few sensors and stuff on the way but other than that I'm set to go! just have a few more things to assemble and hopefully the engine fires right up.
  10. Justin

    Progresss Picssssssd

    Waiting on my clear cam cover and getting the flywheel turned then I'm good to go! Here's what I have so far!
  11. Justin

    What Do you know

    about having to do the 12 volt fuel pump mod with a walbro fuel pump!!!! i just had an idea... when i slam the throttle at idle I hit extremely lean and the car bogs before it corrects itself and goes normal.... could that be the problem, i havn't rewired my fuel pump relay?
  12. Justin

    When Checking base timing

    does it matter if the car is warmed up or not? I think it would kinda.... although I've got a VPC with the temp locked.... so would it matter? hah. thanks! :)
  13. Justin

    Perplexing Idle Problem

    I am having a problem with the 88T. It is having trouble idling, as well as terrible throttle response. I have taken three ZT2 Wideband logs and two videos that will be at the end of this paragraph. The mods to this car are as follows: SP58GT, VPC, eMan, e01, ZT2, Catch Can, Defcon DP w/ 3" open...
  14. Justin

    alright, where the heeck did....

    all your base are belong to us or whatever come from???/ I'd ask on SF but i doubt people would be as kind :p
  15. Justin

    Greddy/Defi/Any p/h/w AFR gauge

    I bought a greddy gauge from a forum member... an AFR p/h/w gauge. great price, in great condition. it just hit me a while back... what good is the warning light?! If I set the warning light at 12:1 the light will be on almost all the time! can someone explain?
  16. Justin

    check out my afr

    have the walbro/550's/sp58/eman/e01/vpc installed.... everything is zero'd out tuning wise and this is my zt2 log... anyone have any comments other than running 10:1 @ WOT is really freaking rich?
  17. Justin

    550's without Walbro?

    is it safe to drive a car without a walbro if you have 550's?
  18. Justin

    Sealant Question

    heh, so I finally figured out which bolt/nut goes where on the lower timing case/water pump. now on the diagram is says "Apply sealant to two or three threads of the 10mm bolt end." now since the only 10mm bolts are for the water pump, I'm assuming that's what I'm supposed to apply...
  19. Justin

    Setting Seals

    I'm going to be putting in the front main seal and the oil pump seal and the rear main seal probally tomorrow. according to the TSRM it says: my questions: What is MP Grease??? Since I don't have the SST, will simply press fitting the seals into their desired location with my...
  20. Justin

    woohoo it runs!

    finished installing the HKS SSQ, SP58GT, VPC, and... that's it on the supra. It runs. HOLY SHIT The SSQ is fucking loud. VPC needs a little messing with, throttle responce is very poor but all in all :D doesn't feel super fast, but I was busy paying attention to all the gauges and shit...