Search results

  1. Justin

    Defi Question

    Those of you with Defi link gauges.... If you put your gauges moreo than 8 inches apart how did you do it? the cable that is included to go from gauge to gauge is only 8 inches long... did you just cut and extend?
  2. Justin

    Tire Question

    What is the widest tire I could fit on a 10.5 inch rim? Could I even fit a 10.5 inch rim without body mods? What offset would be required?
  3. Justin

    Christmas came a month late....

    Got a few new toys in today!!! Hopefully I can get everything except the springs installed tomorrow... we'll see how busy I get at work :p
  4. Justin

    eBay IC

    Do they make a 28x12x3 IC that doesn't have that terrible endtank design? The way the common endtank design looks makes me think it'd be horrible for efficiency... are there any ebay ones that have the entrance/exit more in the center of the core instead of the very bottom?
  5. Justin

    Q45 question

    I searched every thread containing the word nissan and didn't find anything.... what's the difference between an 80mm and 90mm q45? I can't seem to find an 80mm one anywhere...
  6. Justin

    91/92 ECU

    Is there a pinout for the 91/92 ecu online anywhere?
  7. Justin

    Apexi air filter

    is there anywhere to buy the filter like this for a tube instead of the afm? I'm going maft pro but would ike to keep the same filter..... everywhere I look has a different style!
  8. Justin

    Cigarette Lighter Fuse Amperage?

    Anyone? 10 Amps? 5? 15? I don't want to go look at the car right now cuz its snowing and its warm inside and I'm comfortable :p
  9. Justin

    can someone run a carfax for me?

    pm me please@
  10. Justin

    There's no other cars forum....

    I'm going to look at a 1990 Corolla GTS tomorrow. I know alot of us are into other toyotas as well so I was wondering if someone could fill me in about these cars. I know NOTHING about them except I really like the GTS Two door coup body style :) Anything anyone could tell me about the...
  11. Justin

    T-Stat housing thread specs

    I have the picture of the t-stat housing with all the sensors labeled... is there a picture that has the thread specs of each sensor labeled?
  12. Justin

    Tax return coming up, what wheels to get?

    I'll have enough to buy a good set of wheels! Yes! Finally! :) I'm pretty set on TSW Nogaros (See Here) but I don't want to have to buy wheels again so I'd like to have some input. I Really like this style as well. Probally more than the TSWs. They're the Luff (never heard of them) S5R...
  13. Justin

    Infinity Q45 Throttle Body TB Years

    I tried searching and couldn't find anything... So i titled the thread so that anyone looking in the future should be able to find it :p What years of the Q45 TB works? Any year? with, or without trac control? A local lot has one for 125, from a 94, without trac control... that...
  14. Justin

    This seems a little ridiculous

    If I want to turn the CSI outlet on the fuel rail into an 1/8 NPT for a fuel pressure gauge do I really have to buy three connectors? 1: 12 x 1.25 to -6AN 2: -6AN to 1/8NPT (male)...
  15. Justin

    Stock Throttle Body Size

    Is it true the stock throttle body size is 60mm?
  16. Justin

    Help me choose a throttle body

    If I were going to go F.F.I.M then I would want a new throttle body. The Q45 is great but I think its a bit too big for my needs. Unless someone can convince me otherwise :) My goal is a low 12 second quarter. About 400 HP or so? MAX I'm going to be running 550's, probably a MAFT Pro (or...
  17. Justin

    intercooler size

    I need a new intercooler. I don't want one of those huge 12 inch tall ones, i'd like to stay around 7 inches or so high. I'd like about 2.5-3 inch inlet/outlet and as long as nessesary. outlets on each side, for a ffim, and capable of at MOST 450-500 any suggestions? I checked eBay...
  18. Justin

    Q45 Size

    Q45 is to short to search. How big is the Q45 TB?
  19. Justin

    Fuel Level Gauge

    Are there any aftermarket gauges that will work on the factory resistance spec of the level sender? And preferably the warning light? DOES THAT MAKE SENSE!?!? Thanks, Justin :)