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  1. Justin

    FFIM Question (DashPot and ISC)

    First: If the dashpot is a nessesary device to make the car not die when let off the throttle suddently do the throttle bodies that go on the front facing intakes have those built in? Second: If there's no ISC on the manifold is there any way to make the car idle on a Maft Pro...
  2. Justin

    AFPR/FPD Bypass fitting question

    I'm about to put in my new fuel pressure regulator and fuel pulsation dampener bypass... It has those blue fittings on it. Do i need any type of gasket/tape/etc. for those fittings or do I just tighten them down and go?
  3. Justin

    Those with two Fuel Pressure gauges...

    Where did you put the sensor for the in cabin one? I just got an aeromotive so I have a gauge on that, but I'd like a gauge in the cabin as well... just wanted to know where everyone else hooks it up at :)
  4. Justin


    Input on toolboxs please... Right now I have craftsman box. Just the standard 3 box set, standard runners. I'm looking at a 2 or 3 box set, ball bearing, and a grip latch type of setup. I'm looking to spend upto 1000.00 or so. That rules out Snap-On. I don't have the need for that high of...
  5. Justin

    Stock Fuel Pressure

    I just got my AFPR in... I have a Walbro, J-Tube bypassed, and the FPD Bypassed. Stock injectors, until I get mine back from RC Eng getting them cleaned. 1. What's stock fuel pressure? 2. What's ideal fuel pressure? What should i set mine at? I searched, but I'm lousy at it and...
  6. Justin

    Help me find the

    diagram in the TSRM that shows all the specifics of the fuel pump resistor and relay. wire colors and what they do... I can't find it.
  7. Justin

    Factory Gauge Signal

    do the sensors feed anything except the gauges? I am planning on removing the factory water temp, oil pressure, fuel level, and volt gauge... Will I run into any issues if I remove the factory senders as well?
  8. Justin

    Changing from normal to synthetic

    I have about 3k on the new engine now and I just bought some Mobile1 with a new filter... anything I need to do special other than normal to change over?
  9. Justin

    MAFT Pro Initial Adjustment Question

    When a MAFT pro is installed for the first time running speed density, and all the initial parameters have been set does it need anything else to run correctly? For an example, when I installed my VPC I turned the car on, adjusted the idle knob and went, it ran great. After the correct...
  10. Justin


    Where can I buy an asshat? It'd be a great gift for a guy at work. WHERE!
  11. Justin

    WTF? NA Spec Stage 3

    My winter car got stolen this morning so I had to drive the supra to work an back... On my way back I got on it a little bit... 1st and 2nd I was just roasting the tires, then I hit 3rd and the speedo went WAY down and the rpms went way the fuck up... heheh, UH OH! I tried it about a mile...
  12. Justin

    RC Injectors

    Can someone post up a picture of their RC 550s? I just bought a set from a member (Great shipping/price/ect) but they look different from the ones I used to have on the 88T... The numbers on them are.... PL8-550 D1151AA 0572 They just LOOK different I'm not sure if they even...
  13. Justin

    ROFL: Someone stole my fucking car.

    I bought an 86 Honda Civic for my winter car. It was a beater hardcore. No Bumpber an stuff. I go outside this morning to go to work and its gone.... ahahaha. I actually laughed. Its kinda funny. I had full coverage on it cuz it was 15 bucks for 6 months.... I wonder how much...
  14. Justin

    Do lowering springs wear out?

    I'm looking at a set of Eibachs to drop the car a little bit... Is there any reason not to buy used ones? They havn't been used too much according to the seller, about a years worth of driving... How long does it take for a set of springs to wear out?
  15. Justin

    MAFT Pro Vs. VPC/AFC/E01

    I just bought some 550's, an AFPR, and the FPD Bypass. I have finally got most of what I need to start doing some good power... I need an AFC but I'm considering selling my E01 and the VPC and getting a MAFT Pro for everything, boost, air fuel control, and map sensor. What I would like to...
  16. Justin

    Gauge Cluster

    Is the gauge cluster itself different from 88 to 89 or just the gauges?
  17. Justin

    Card Reader

    What's the best card reader out there? I want one that will be internal to my tower, I don't care what size (floppy or cd rom size) I just want it to read every format avaliable at this time... any suggestions?
  18. Justin

    Help with my girlfriends old Ford Escort

    Its a 98 and she just sold it to her sister. the car always ran great when she owned it but recently its started idling like shit and dying at stop lights.... I was thinking a dirty MAF? anyone have any other ideas? there are no codes ( no check engine light ) but about 3 months or so...
  19. Justin

    How do you get into

    CES? I'd like to know if there's a legit way to get in? I'd be flying down from Washington so I need to makek sure I can actually get in...
  20. Justin


    Do these really work like they do in the movies? Does the gun really sound like that? How do they screw in? is the barrel threaded inside? Does it reduce kick like it appears to? Can they be had for a Glock 19 or 21? on a side note, holy shit, the glock 19 can hold a clip of 33 rounds!