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  1. Chambers

    Questions concerning pistons in a NA-T engine.

    Hi all, here is my scenario, I have a 7M-GE I plan to turbocharge and I'm wondering about the pistons. I do not have any intentions on turning up the boost on this engine past stock psi, I know saying that is much easier than actually not doing it :naughty:, I really don't like going wildly...
  2. Chambers

    Drilling a NA block for turbo oil drain.

    Yea, I will be posting in my build thread. Good luck.
  3. Chambers

    Drilling a NA block for turbo oil drain.

    That hole is under pressure, to my understanding it is for a oil cooler exclusive to the Australian NA Supra.
  4. Chambers

    Drilling a NA block for turbo oil drain.

    Ahh, I see, that could have gotten ugly pretty quickly. About the second hole, is the spot to drill evident enough to see it right on? Thanks. I could do that, but I do not want to run the chance of choking up the drain when turning, I drive my car on a lot of curvy back roads. Thanks.
  5. Chambers

    Drilling a NA block for turbo oil drain.

    Hi all, I plan to drill and tap a hole in the NA block for a turbo oil drain, in the stock drain location is there anything on the other side that I have to worry about when drilling this hole? Also, is there anything I should be changing like oil dip stick? I don't have the engine on the...
  6. Chambers

    My engines knock finnaly went to rod knock.

    Yea, after I did the head gasket and it was still knocking I figured it was a rod knock. It was running to good to merit pulling my daily driver off the road for a rebuild, not to mention little cash on hand, until it was to far gone.
  7. Chambers

    My engines knock finnaly went to rod knock.

    Yea, that did make me laugh, hehe. Yea, will do, thanks. NA-T? Hmmm... Funny you should say that... lets see... only things missing are some intercooler piping. Thanks for all your replies!
  8. Chambers

    My engines knock finnaly went to rod knock.

    Hi all, my 7M-GE sounds like it spun a bearing today, it has had a knock for around 25,000 miles:aigo:, hehehe. I was on the way home and the car lost some power, so I down shifted and knock knock knock knock... dam... :3d_frown:. I made it to a family members house, and so it sits until I can...
  9. Chambers

    1 pc driveline

    Yea, I had a local welding shop make me a one piece steel. It vibrates bad at 65 and up. It was balanced too, but I do not think it was balanced for those higher rpms. Good luck.
  10. Chambers

    86.5 updates

    Nice, I like the valve covers, they look good with the "exposed metal" look, do you plan on polishing them?
  11. Chambers

    Chambers' Build Thread - "The Hated Eighty Six"

    Received some monitoring devices from some local supramania members, thanks guys.:thumbup: I'm just having trouble on figuring out how to wire them in without butchering the existing harness. Any one have experience? Thanks. Old school A'PEXi S-AFC: Simple Autometer A/F gauge:
  12. Chambers

    anyone tried this exhuast?

    There is a local 91 NA around me that has the full pacesetter set up, headders, test pipe, and cat back. Honestly, it sounded like crap, he gunned it and it sounded like a Honda civic with no muffler. So if your looking for a cheap exhaust system that sounds good then this might not be for...
  13. Chambers

    Project ORANGE has started!!!

    Wow, nice project you got going, looks like your heading in the right direction with the 89+ face lift and the engine re-fresh, that will really help the look of the car, in my opinion. Good luck.
  14. Chambers

    Whats the fastest?

    I have taken the speedo up to 130mph, its a 5 speed W58. But, thats only what the speedo said, weather or not I was really going that fast is questionable, hehehe.
  15. Chambers

    Chambers' Build Thread - "The Hated Eighty Six"

    Got some stuff done today, I have been working on a gauge pod that goes under my radio. The idea behind it was to make a gauge pod that is directed towards me, this was my first time messing with fiberglass, its not perfect but I'm happy with it. After a few layers of bondo and sanding...
  16. Chambers

    Chambers' Build Thread - "The Hated Eighty Six"

    Yea, I see what you mean about being turbo. A good friend of mine has a turbo, and its night and day. The good thing about the NA is I could really enjoy the car for what it was, not worrying about power adders and what not.
  17. Chambers

    Chambers' Build Thread - "The Hated Eighty Six"

    Yea, I know what you mean. The head gasket job cost me around $600 in total, and to rebuild the bottom end and all the other new stuff that will have to go in when that happens, I will have a engine "worth" more than the car. hehehe!
  18. Chambers

    Chambers' Build Thread - "The Hated Eighty Six"

    Hi all, I thought I might as well start a little thread for my forever ongoing project. The name "The Hated Eighty Six" comes from no love from other people for my 86, of coarse people say, "nice car" but what there really saying is, I don't want to make you feel bad about your car. Many...