That loud "clunk" when you turn at slow speeds could be your ball joints. I have just noticed my car is starting to do this on the right side.
My car has a little of that all over the road syndrome occasionally, but I have some nasty tires, and my control arm bushing are showing their age...
NA autos are weird, a good friend of mine has one and it feels like it pulls harder than my five speed after putting the pedal down on a 20mph roll, but then when you put the pedal down at 45-50mph it will fall in feeling, until the lower gear grabs, and it doesn't quite feel like it pulls like...
I stopped by the dealership to check on the sticker. They checked the number for 87 and nothing came up, so I had them bring up the catalog for a 90, and turns out it was there, but it had a different number, and it was called a "tag" or "plate" not a sticker. The guy then went on typing and...
Yea, thats it. Weird thing is that the dealership didn't list it, I even looked at the picture, similar, but did not show the sticker.
I'm thinking about getting some of that sticker paper, do a sketch in CADD and print it out.
Thanks for the replies.
Hi all, I just picked up a LSD for my car and upon cleaning the diff cover I wiped the ink on the LSD Oil Only sticker off. I went to the dealership and they didn't have a listing for it, the guy there said to try to find out what company produced the diffs and see if I could get a sticker from...
I know this site has them,
I do not know who else sells them though. Good luck.
I'm east of Baltimore, in Bel Air. I did the head gasket in my car, and I know my way around the engine exterior and engine bay. If you set up a day, I would be willing to head out there for a full day of working on it.
WOW, posted a couple mins before me, lol. NICE!!! that is one killer...
Ya, thanks, Its going to be just over $200 for all the new shoes and springs for both sides, but will be worth it in the end.
I checked the TSRM to see if the springs were in the correct position and they all were, so I disassemble it. Turns out the cable was binding up and not releasing it...
Well, I got the rotor off after some persuasion from a rubber mallet. The first thing I noticed is the toasted front shoe. When I put a little bit of pressure on the front shoe and it moved down about a 3/8". Where the shoes meet up top the front shoe seems out of place, but I'm not sure...
Well when I started from my house it was fine, only after I drove about seven or eight miles to the parts store and then left from there it acted up. Also, the last time this happened it was quite warmer out. Thanks for the reply though.
I have seen a brown 86 with tan interior, and I have also seen a black 87 with tan interior. Both had cloth seats and vinyl headliners, but I'm sure they cam in leather.
I always loved a black car with tan interior.
Yea, you would be surprised how many are around, but as for owners that are on this board, there are only a few.
It's way to cold out tonight, but I will be able to check on the springs and shoes tomorrow. Is there any place I can get new components besides Toyota? Thanks.
Hi all, my car has a issue with the right side parking brake assembly, I was driving this morning and stopped by a local auto parts store to pick up some oil, I go to leave and it feels like the car is real hesitant. I make a left turn and then a clunking sound starts emanating from the rear...
I have been daily driving mine since I first purchased it in June of 2007, that was about 25K+ miles ago. Since before I had it, there was always a slight knock in the engine, just recently the knock has developed it self a little worse. May be looking into a full rebuild soon, I say YEA, but...
Paint it black, fix the interior and I think you will have a pretty bad ars car. I'm not a fan of that body style, but in black I think they look decent.
Good luck.
Just make sure you check the replacement engine, because it may have a knock as well. The kid I purchased my car from had a shop swap in a "JDM" engine, and that engine ended up having a rod knock.
Good luck.
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