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  1. natedogr

    the t3d's FIRST "Performance before Appearance" BUILD THREAD!

    sweet, look forward to the update. yeah a probe is pretty bad but i'm stuck driving a '96 auto corolla til my car is runnin again. my car developed a rod knock in august and has been parked since. its torture driving that freakin corolla
  2. natedogr

    the t3d's FIRST "Performance before Appearance" BUILD THREAD!

    i bought my first 7mgte back in december '06 and once i got it torn down i found that the block was crap. so i got a new block and got it machined. soon after that found another engine for really cheap so couldn't pass it up. now i have everything machined and ready for assembly, just need...
  3. natedogr

    the t3d's FIRST "Performance before Appearance" BUILD THREAD!

    i'm 19 too with no job so it's hard getting any money to finish the project up. i need $1500 to finish but it won't be til about May when its done. when did you start on your project?
  4. natedogr

    the t3d's FIRST "Performance before Appearance" BUILD THREAD!

    build is lookin good! i should be doing the same exact thing to my '88 na. im sticking with the stock internals though but plan on upgrading to 550s/lex afm and a 57 trim. so i'll def be following your thread the whole way for reference and things
  5. natedogr

    3.9 LSD fit in a 4.3 pumpkin?

    im supposed to be getting his 3.9 gear but they had to take it out of the pumpkin to put his new LSD in it. so we wanted to know if the pumpkins were the same so i could just put the 3.9 in my 4.3 pumpkin
  6. natedogr

    NA going Turbo by Drew

    i'll be watchin this one. i'll be doing the same exact thing in may. good luck!
  7. natedogr

    BIC DDP ?

    thanks for the info guys
  8. natedogr

    BIC DDP ?

    ok cool. hopefully i can pull off the same thing. i think i'll get a mbc first after the break in time so i can have the boost set at a level i know it won't hit FC. thanks for the info
  9. natedogr

    BIC DDP ?

    i'm close to swapping a gte into my ge body pretty soon. while i'm swapping the engine i plan on upgrading the intake and a full 3" turbo back exhaust. i really want a BIC DDP but i've read a few threads that it might cause fuel cut real easy. i think it might have turned out to be just a boost...
  10. natedogr

    Porting turbo manifold and housing?

    you should search around the forum for easier ways to get power. theres so many other ways besides porting the exhaust manifold. do you have a goal in mind for you supra? you should def look at what your goal is before you start modding. and also make sure everything else is well maintained...
  11. natedogr

    what brand clutch is this?

    yeah i get what you mean, i'll probably end up not gettin this one anyway. he said it was used for 500 miles but your right it does look rather beat up
  12. natedogr

    what brand clutch is this?

    oh ok. well im looking for a clutch for my w58 that im putting on a gte so i need a better than stock clutch for it and was hoping this would work since its used and cheaper. thanks for the help
  13. natedogr

    what brand clutch is this?

    thats what the guy on ebay said it was but he wasnt sure. he also said it was a high performance clutch, would you be able to tell just by lookin at it?
  14. natedogr

    what brand clutch is this?

    can't figure out what kinda clutch this is
  15. natedogr

    GTE Swap

    first off you should def search the whole forum first. you have no idea how many of these threads have been started. look under the stickies and there is a thread specifically on swapping a gte into a ge body and everything you need to get done. and as for the exhaust, yeah you'll def wanna swap...
  16. natedogr

    JDM TYTE YO (No Hate Allowed) (Tonssss of pics)

    holy crap. those pics are awesome! where did you find them? theres so many to choose from for a new wallpaper, haha
  17. natedogr

    Nopi Nationals 2007 pics 56k?lololol

    sounds good to me too. i've always wanted to hang out with some supra guys but i only know one, haha. my car should be running by early summer so we should keep in touch until then
  18. natedogr

    Nopi Nationals 2007 pics 56k?lololol

    yeah i've seen you on zebulon mainly. i talked to you one time a couple of years ago. i think i've seen RedEj8 just recently on forsyth. my car's down right now waitin for me to finish my 7mgte rebuild to swap in
  19. natedogr

    Nopi Nationals 2007 pics 56k?lololol

    im pissed i missed nationals last year. i went in '06 and there werent nearly as many supras as the pics you put up. RedEj8 - i'm from warner robins but am in macon a lot. what color and year supra you got?
  20. natedogr

    Holy Wheels Batman!!

    those look like rims from a starion. they dont look bad but i still wouldnt want them