Mod thanks for moving this i wasnt quite sure where i shouldve posted it.
natedogr;894156 said:
im pissed i missed nationals last year. i went in '06 and there werent nearly as many supras as the pics you put up.
RedEj8 - i'm from warner robins but am in macon a lot. what color and year supra you got?
7mgtesupraman is right.I have a white 89targa trubo..Right now its in my garage getting the headgasket changed

but it should be up and running by the weekend..
TuRbOdReAmZ87;894401 said:
Well hello there sexy! :naughty:
Have any high res pics?
Well i have the original pic i'll post up when i get home..I also have a few other girlie pics.I couldnt take many cause my gf was with me the 2nd day
Supra28;894534 said:
The MKIII Supras were sweeeet! I remember seeing the brown one in a magazine. Oh and...the first girl pic you posted, her name???:yum: .......Anybody?
I duno what her name was but i was standing at a booth and she just kinda walked up right next to me with like 30 dudes taking pics following her and i had a front row seat lol..
CryoSlash;894567 said:
Sorry no racing..This was at the Atlanta Motor Speedway so there was no racing.
cool chuck;894295 said:
Does this guy have temp tags?
I really dont remember..I just remember it was almost impossible to get a shot of that car without 30 ppl being in the picture. Car looks crazy tho..The exhaust looked like a 5" from turbo back.
natedogr;894707 said:
yeah i've seen you on zebulon mainly. i talked to you one time a couple of years ago. i think i've seen RedEj8 just recently on forsyth. my car's down right now waitin for me to finish my 7mgte rebuild to swap in
We should all meet up on zeb one night once everyones cars are running haha.
The majority of Supras there are parked on the main road thru the infield.
7mgtesupraman i took a pic of your car too i might post up when i get home if thats cool.