Search results

  1. 1986.5supra_kid

    I bet no one here can tell me what shifter this is on a r154!

    Can anyone tell me what this damn thing is on this r154!? wtf was this persons problem:3d_frown: so i dont have the shifter because the previous owner had sold it and didnt know what it was because he is a idiot and knows nothing of cars in general (parted car out) ugh so anyhow i prob dont have...
  2. 1986.5supra_kid

    Holset HX35 2JZGE how should it be mounted?

    so HX35 are typically t3? i have a 2jzge with stock manifold. the hx35 is the turbo i want to use for quick spool. i am not sure on parts needed to make it fit. so ill need 2jzge t3 manifold? feed line and return what size and where is best place to tap off from for oil supply? any modification...
  3. 1986.5supra_kid

    w58 to r154 swap mk3 supra driveline what parts swap?

    1986.5 supra 7mge now going to 2jz w58 to r154 i know these are different -flywheel -clutch ass. -bell housing -slave -DS but are these parts able to swap to r154? -Clutch master (W58) -clutch hard line (w58) -crossmember (w58) thanks
  4. 1986.5supra_kid

    1986.5 7mge -> 2jzge my very first build.

    Dream car is a mk3, I eventually got one after saving all my lunch money and working since i was 14. I finally bought on in April of 2010 (18yrs old)(now19) when just a few days b4 graduation. i paid for it in over 500 one dollar bills and assortment of other bills but it cost me $1200 it came...
  5. 1986.5supra_kid

    headlights stay on in every switch position

    1986 na supra headlight switch on coulum with headlight/wiper switch has been replaced before bc the dimmer switch failed, i replaced it with a operating headlight/wiper switch. everything worked great, then i later replaced the sealed beam headlights with HID 35w 6000k ballasts and bulbs...
  6. 1986.5supra_kid

    NA-T 7mge pre 89 stock electronics

    This summer I have plans to bolt up the turbo manifold, ct26, stock intercooler and IC pipes to the stock 7mge motor and run 4-6psi on 91-93 octane. all stock electronics. the head will be pulled and MHG installed along with new valve seals and possible head rebuild along with new timing belt...
  7. 1986.5supra_kid

    clutch kit options, daily driver, reviews, mk3 non turbo (

    Okay so i have a na supra(w58), clutch needs replaced and im looking for good affordable clutch from <--(there cheapest around) but i am open to other parts providers price range is anything under ($200) here is the line up from rock auto. reason for this thread is to hear from...
  8. 1986.5supra_kid

    new rack and pinion but still has issues

    i have gone threw 2 rack and pinions and now im running out of options. the problem is that it has more power assistance left and less turning right. i know of one other person that has same problem i i could benefit from good information. the rack and pump are new, the lines and resivor where...
  9. 1986.5supra_kid

    w58 drivetrain lash? (1986.5)

    my 86.5 will lash as if the diff was wore out but there is no play inthe rear end. other possiblites are the center support bearing have free play,also the clutch pedal is low on the floor. it does disengage and engage properly,but when i accerlerate and deaccelerate or vice versa there is a...
  10. 1986.5supra_kid

    rally drivers advice to beginners? south carolina

    im really considering getting into rally racing. i have idea of my choice of cars, fr cheap gutless (so i can learn keeping momentum). i need some help getting into events and practicing(live in suburbia) any drivers out there please help with guiding me into a sport i want to be apart of. also...
  11. 1986.5supra_kid

    rear window leak. tried sealing but didnt work

    after a long rain, when i open my hatch water runs out from the edge of the plastic on the inside so i popped it off to see where is was comin from. well it collects at lowest point and drips into the plactic. so i got some silicon chaulking and went around the bottom edge of the window. still...
  12. 1986.5supra_kid

    got door sag!? i did. check this if u need some tips

    i have a 86.5 N/A and the driver door hinge bushings where so worn that the door didn shut correctly at all! striker hit sheet metal above the catch! anyways go to advance auto parts or o rileys auto parts and check out the HELP door hinge kits, i looked for the smallest pin and bushing...
  13. 1986.5supra_kid

    w58 tranny check plug location?

    on my tranny the assumed bolt for checking fluid is stripped and also seized. my question is"am i looking at the right bolt?" driver side,half way up, looks like is aluminum bolt? had to tell with 6inch of space to work
  14. 1986.5supra_kid

    anyone on PLAYSTATION NETWORK will want to read this (relating to supra on gt5)

    The upcoming Gran Turismo 5 (now december release date) i would like to host a PSN SUPRA Clan for up coming season. I curentally am a part of a call of duty mw2 clan and i would like to start my own clan of brothers from supra owners for gt5, i am a follower of the gt series and i am asking the...
  15. 1986.5supra_kid

    FT-86 could it be the supra replacement!?

    so there is talk of the Ft-86 (2.0 flat 4cyl produced by SUBARU) with 6speed, could it be the mk4,ae86,and celica replacement!? I think its a 350z or 370z remake or competitor with smaller engine. not as stylish as the orginal MK3 or powerful as MK4 but its better than a PRIUS. PRIUS just so...
  16. 1986.5supra_kid

    7mge 1986.5 oil leak on exhaust side

    I have 1986 7mge and the engine seems to have a valve cover leak on exhaust side due to the fact that u can see and smell oil burning off the manifold. my question is..could that be the problem and would the fact that the car had been sitting for a while contribute to the smoke out the exhaust...
  17. 1986.5supra_kid

    intro: im 17 and i just bought a 1986.5 n/a supra

    what are some things i should know about the car? i know a good bit about supra but i have only owned a 88 hilux and this supra, i have mechanical intellect and enjoy workin on cars, but have no passion for it to be a job. more like hobby. anyhow what are some ways to increase hp and keep it...