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  1. M

    Do i have the right injectors?

    ok so when i got my 87 gte supra, the injectors that were in there are yellow. Everywhere i see the yellow injectors, they say its for the 7mge. Idk if its cause its an 87 but what do you guys think? do i have the wrong ones?
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    how to tell if auto tranny is shot?

    so i recently got my motor in my car, got it runnin good but then it wouldnt move. The tranny fluid wouldnt go anywhere, so i thought the output shaft was done... i pulled the motor yesterday and nothin seems to be broken. The small spline shaft moves when i switch the gear set. I was thinking...
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    Knock sensors

    so i bought a knock sensor off a guy a while ago cause i was missing one. Well my car is a pre 89 with the yellow clips and what not. MY stock knock sensor has a yellow plastic part on it, while the one i bought for the missing one is a grey one. I have a code 52 now and i was wondering if...
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    Vacuum help

    so i just got my car running after a rebuild and im still working on getting it ready to drive. My car right now idles real rough at around 1k for a little bit. When its idling at 1k my boost guage stays around 3 psi of vacuum. After idling there for a little bit, it starts to rev its...
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    Didnt put any fluid in Torque converter!

    So i just got my car to start up after the rebuild. It doesnt shift into any gear though. My buddy said that its probably because i didnt put anything in the torque converter. So my question is have any of you done this? Will it fill up if i let it idle a bit? Cause i mean it doesnt shift...
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    Help, first start up!!

    so i finally got my car to start up. :) i have to fiddle with the gas pedal to start it. When it does start, in order to keep it alive i have to, you know, kepp it alive with the gas pedal. But it kinda goes on its own and revs up to about 5k then comes down to how much i have my pedal in. Idk...
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    humming noise, tach stays at 2k???

    So i had some valves stuck open on my old head, just put a new one on. The car hasnt been started yet after the rebuild. so im cranking the car over, and the tach is moving a lil up and down, not alot but it is. So after a couple tries, the car doesnt crank anymore and theres a humming noise...
  8. M

    oil in oil pressure line?

    so i put an aftermarket oil pressure guage in my supra. I just looked at my line and theres oil spots in it all up to my firewall. is this normal? To much oil? And on a second note, I ddnt have an oil dipstick on my block from the PO. So i went and bought one from autozone. How long is the...
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    absolutely no compression???

    so my car still wont start!!! idk what the hell it is. Im getting REALLY FRUSTRATED!!! so wen i do a compression test nothin at all shows up on the dial. Not even a flinch. in any cylinder... In the compression guage it has that air valve. Every other one ive used hasnt had that in there. Would...
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    idle setting

    so i had no idle screw on my throtte body. I found a hole for a screw on the throttle pulley thing where the throttle cable hooks up. I have it where the screw pushes down on on a springy air valve thing. does this sound right? i know not the best description... lol where r your idle...
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    How shoud i clean out my gas tank?

    So i decided to take out my gas tank because thats the only thing i can think of that is keeping it from starting. When i got the car it had about half a tank of some 3 yr old gas in it. After talking to some ppl at local auto stores they said, instead of siphoning it all out, just put a bottle...
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    So who has a supra that goes out to hwy 100 in west allis WI? ive seen a white, grey and clack supra around here but never met any of you. I trying to start my 87 7mgte but i dnt wat the hell is keepin it from starting. I need to find ppl who know about these cars. Ive only seen a white mk3...
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    Milled head mess up timing?

    so i milled i think 15 thousandths off my head to get it staright. I threw a stock HG in cause of some short funds. I knew it would be a lil higher compression. That would affect my timing at all would it? my car hasnt been able to start up after the rebuild.
  14. M

    pistons wet, no start...

    I have a 7mgte that i rebuilt. Im trying to start it but there nothing happening. It cranks with a couple putts here and there but no start. and when ever i take out the spark plugs and look down the hole, the pistons r wet. It not coolant, smells like gas but it like a thick layer on the...
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    frsh rebuild, no start????

    so heres the deal. i rebuilt my 87 7m in my auto class. Honed cylinders, balanced, cleaned up n everything. Stock rebuild. I milled the head. It had some bad warpage. I think i took 15 thous off. I used new stock HG, i was short on funds and had to get it together (i knew i would be running a...
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    quick timing ?

    so ive read all the posts about timing the cps. But i just dnt know if ive done it right or not. i have #1 at TDC. now it says to align the notch and then move it a tooth back. which way is "back"? i have the black cover off trying to align the inside up but i cant seem to get it line up...
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    blinking lights on dash!!

    so wen i try to crank to car over, the TEMS lights and a couple others r blinking and there's a clicking noise form the starter. idk if its a bad connection, i redid everything. What does it mean when the lights r blinking?
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    fresh rebuild, no start!!

    so i finally have my car ready to run. It cranks over with the starter, but doesn't start. I get a couple putts every now and then like it wants to fire up. I pulled the first spark plug out to see if im getting spark and i am. Its a fresh rebuilt motor so maybe itll take a while to start? but i...
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    fuel rail feed line and oil pressure guage

    so is the best thing for the fuel rail feed line the stock metal one? would hose work? And i bought just a shitty sunpro oil pressure guage just to use for the first start up. The fitting it came with is the wrong thread, it wont go into the block. So what have you guys used with an...
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    first start up... a couple questions.

    So what should i do for the first start up after my rebuild. All just rebuild stock within spec. Should i crank it first without any spark to get the oil around? Anything else that i should do?