may be a stupid question but here goes. what does the vsv do and if it is not hooked up right what prolems will it cause?
reason i ask is i am missin one and need to know the correct hook up. will get them in a few days..
i just did a na to turbo swap. have an 89 with 87 harness and ecu however, once everything was set up the antilock light stays on what could be wrong. no check engine light just the anti light how do i get it to turn off or how do i fix whats wrong??
since i did the hgt job the car doesn't...
does any one know what fitting i should use in the fuel rail to hook up the afpr?? been looking but i am lost been trying to see pics on line but when you are looking for something you can never find it.
help 90% done with a head job and would like to get it all done the same time..
i asked this before but never got a straight answer. which wire do i hook the o2 sensor to behind the dash. because now i have it tapped directly into the o2 sensor and it is reading funny.
does any one know how to replace the light that goes in the rap spoiler?? i know they are leds but how do you get the light itslef out. tried and almost broke it.. help..
trying to find a nice trd emblem to go on my grill, but all i can find are the ones the stick on and i am not to comfortable with that. any one know where i can find one that can screw on.....
i just did a swap from na to turbo, and i have not boost sensor. i tried to tap into the hose off of the back of the intake for the boost garge but got nothing. it still does not wrok. where else can i hook it up to to get the boost gauge to read. please be specific because i am new to the...
can somone help me with the hook up of the boost guage. where do you tap into for the boost guage. people say the intake side but where exactly. :1zhelp: :1zhelp:
i just did a na to turbo swap and i am trying to find out what this sensor is for? when i hooked the turbo clock up the boost gauge does not read it just goes all the way up. does this sensor have anything to do with it?
what is this sensor for. it is the one on the driver side over the...
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