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  1. M

    w58 on a 7mgte

    i just did a 7mgte swap and am sitll running a w58 how much differance will it make if i change to the r154. or is there anything that i can do to compensate for running the w58????
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    factory alarm

    yesterday i was sitting in my garage and the car alarm just went off what could be the cause???
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    oil leak

    :1zhelp::1zhelp:can't seem to find the it. i changed the cps seal and no change checked the oil return lines, but can't seem to find it. all i know is that it is comming down on the passanger side above the ps pump. any ideas?????:1zhelp::1zhelp::1zhelp::1zhelp::1zhelp:
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    cps rebuild

    :1zhelp:was looking for the write up on cps rebild and can't find it can someone point me in the wright direction. saw it on here before but can't find it now...:1zhelp:
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    t4 turbo

    what is the best manifold to use with a t4 turbo??????
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    aftermarket manifold

    anyone runing a after market turbo header? if so which one and how good of bad is it???
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    did anyone see a thread about someone altering magnaflow mufflers from a 2.5" inlet to a 3" inlet with 2.5 duels out? i have been looking and i cant find it. about a week ago i saw it on here but i dont see it any more. was wondering if anyone saw it to, and if they did could you send me...
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    no boost

    problem: i have no boost. when i hit the gas at idle my bov does not bo. i redid all the vac hoses checked all lower hoses. what could it be????
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    does anyone konw the size of the stock intercooler inlet and outle?
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    seat conversion

    :icon_conf:icon_confhas anyone ever used the mk4 seats in an mk3. if so, does it bolt up with out fabing?:icon_conf
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    locks won't lock

    sometimes when i try to lock my doors with the switch it doesn't. i then have to keep pushing the lock button and it eventually locks, what could it be. i have a 89 7mge switched to gte.
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    sc400 front brakes

    can sc 400 breaks fit on a 7mgte, if so how hard is it, and what injectors do the 400s carry?
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    coolent problem

    just changed my head gasket and all the hoses and such, now every few days my over flow tank is low. it's not leaking. any ideas????:1zhelp:
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    vacuum problem

    hooked vacuume system up and cant get the car to say running. idles fine but when i drive to the corner and stop it cuts out. tryed to rearange it and it works but does not blow off as hard as it did when hooked up the way the book says. i have a hks bov, no egr, no cruise. anyone ever...
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    clutch and fly wheel

    wanted to kno what is a good combonation for a clutch and light weight fly wheel for a 7mgte. i am about to change my rear main seal and figured i change the clutch and fly wheel also. by the way i am still running the w58, have not got a r154 yet. any sug....
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    fuel fittings

    been trying to find a fuel fitting to go on my fuel rail to hook up my afpr and wanted to know if anyone knew where i could find one.:1zhelp::1zhelp:
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    waste gate

    does anyone know where i can get a better waste gate for a ct26?
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    little to no boost

    just did a na to turbo swap and i am getting little to no boost. after market gauge reads 20vac at idle at 5000rpm's barley at 2lbs what could be wrong??
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    afpr setting

    what is the fuel pressure on suppose to be on astock 7mgte. did a swap and need to know what to set my afpr at?
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    boost hook up

    where is the best, most accurate place to tap into for the boost gauge?