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  1. Chambers

    **MK3 Supra / 1uzfe / Single Turbo Build Thread Part 2!**

    Nice! I was planning on megasquirt for a supercharger project. Keep up updated for sure! By the way, I found another 1UZ, almost ready to swap it over and finnaly get my car running like it should.
  2. Chambers

    any un-needed parts under there?

    I believe that connector pictured is for the auto transmission. While your there, make sure the grounds on the bottom of the intake manifold are actually grounded. If they are not then the engine will not run.
  3. Chambers

    Raised Cowl Hood Feeler Thread (DO U WANT ONE)

    ok, WOW! Bad ass selection! I'm suddenly feeling the white/black plain weave over the standard CF. Does it have a name? I would like to see a photo of it at a distance to get a feel for what a large surface area would look like.
  4. Chambers

    The absolute worst looking MK3, ever?

    HA, can you imagine a furry Supra?
  5. Chambers

    Raised Cowl Hood Feeler Thread (DO U WANT ONE)

    Got my half in! I think this ball will roll! haha.
  6. Chambers

    Raised Cowl Hood Feeler Thread (DO U WANT ONE)

    I would like to see head light covers in CF, I know there out there now, but having them from one source will make them flow much better.
  7. Chambers

    Boostcraver's resto-modification build

    Nice! Looks like a good project!
  8. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    Hey yall! Started working on my spare engine, so far I got the new timing belt kit on, cleaned up the cam covers, painted them, pulled the horribly oil covered oil pan, and re sealed it. Got some cruddy cell phone photos as my camera is MIA... enjoy!
  9. Chambers

    The absolute worst looking MK3, ever?

    HOLY BAT-MOBILE BATMAN! That looks bad...
  10. Chambers

    Raised Cowl Hood Feeler Thread (DO U WANT ONE)

    Not sure about oversized turbos, but for me I would like to keep the cowl as clear as possible without compromising the structural integurety because I may have a twin scroll supercharger sitting on top of my V8 and need all the room I can get. :) By the way, your truck looks awesome!
  11. Chambers

    Raised Cowl Hood Feeler Thread (DO U WANT ONE)

    Ok, I'm looking at the flush ones I posted earlier. Will there be info on where to send the pins in the official GB thread? ---------- Post added at 05:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:39 PM ---------- Ahh, Fred, you beat me to the gun! What pin style are you looking for?
  12. Chambers

    any un-needed parts under there?

    You would need to make a block off plate for both the intake manifold and the flange. Orr, you could check out the stuff in the forsale section to get one for a lot less than $400. I have a few laying around on various engines and in parts bins so they not that hard to come by. I would...
  13. Chambers

    Holy mother of all turbos!

    That engine looks suspicious...
  14. Chambers

    Raised Cowl Hood Feeler Thread (DO U WANT ONE)

    Yea, thats it. It would need to be subtle compared to that like you said. Just somthing to give it a little more somthing! COOL! Its great that you joined and posted! Can't wait to see what other things you guys will create, Supra and non Supra based! By the way, you cant just tease...
  15. Chambers

    Raised Cowl Hood Feeler Thread (DO U WANT ONE)

    I would like to retain the factory squirters, It just seemed to me that everyone was gawking over Brads hood in a way that they wanted a copy exactly the same in every way, shaved squirters included. And if it differed then they would be out, maybe I'm just over reacting. I know if the holes...
  16. Chambers

    how mutch torque on flywheel bolt's ?

    Good info! The ARP package mine came in had no paper that I recall.
  17. Chambers

    Raised Cowl Hood Feeler Thread (DO U WANT ONE)

    Since the general consensus is ditching the windshield washers, could someone put together a place to buy the ones Brad referenced? Like dealer or auto shop part numbers, and maybe links to places on the web so we can access this easier. The mock ups look great! This is going to rock!
  18. Chambers

    how mutch torque on flywheel bolt's ?

    The 2JZ-GTE: First pass - 36 ftlbs Second pass - turn 90 deg Reference: I used this on my 1UZ as well because I used the 2JZ ARP flywheel bolts. Good luck!
  19. Chambers

    mkIII with mk4 tail lights.. must be mad jdm tyte! Better than those 3 piece 89+

    Seems like a majority of these hack jobs are on pre-89 Supra...