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  1. Chambers

    1uz mkII build/full on resto

    I purchased a set of those headers as well! I had to drill out the top holes on the flange to get it to slide onto the exhaust studs though. Other than that, the only other thing I see as a bad point would be the cheezy flanges, but the welds are very well done.
  2. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    Ok, so I didnt just wake up, haha, but hear be n' update! Ebay 3UZ headders, holes for the top set of studs were bugged, needed to be drilled out and sanded a tad to slide on right. Test fit, engine is still on the engine crane. Looks like the headders wont fit on the engine while...
  3. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    Thanks! You wouldn't happen to know anyone that is into mid 80's Mustangs, that would have a manual steering rack for one? I would hate to buy one new and mess it up from not understanding how it should go in, when I can practice on a used one. Thanks again!
  4. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    Got a few more things done today: The most expensive set of cardboard boxes I have ever seen, hahaha! Brought the 1UZ in from the shed: Also got the tranny doner in from the outside, darn tarp ripped and let all the snow in, :3d_frown:. Tore some stuff down...
  5. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    Saturday was a waste, to much snow to drive so didnt get a chance to work on the car, but Sunday was a much better day. Got a decent amount of stuff done, here is some pic action: Got my 5 speed pedals in and ready to go! I was surprised how "bolt-in" everything was, it was nice...
  6. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    Got a few things done on Friday night, I received my Howe throwout bearing/ slave cylinder from Summit. Also moved the car into the shop before the big snow, had one heck of a time though, walked about 100yards to the car to find out it had a dead battery, then put a new battery in it to find...
  7. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    HI all, been collecting parts for the 1UZ swap, and finally got the final piece to the puzzle, well at least one of the last pieces. :) I give you the 1UZ - W58 Steel Flywheel conversion kit: And finally stack of parts, and there are still another seven or so boxes not pictures.
  8. Chambers

    Toyota of N. America forces Toyo-DIY to.......

    Hmm, didnt know about that site, shame though. Ford did somthing similar to a Ranger forum, told the forum that since it had the word "Ranger" in the url, they had to shut it down. Havent heard any more on it, so I don't know what came of it.
  9. Chambers

    *show pics of your 7m-ge here*

    Nah, the dirt just builds character! Always admired the way the stock 7M-GE looked. Enough stuff under the hood to fill the bay, and looks right!
  10. Chambers

    Operation Daily Driver 1uzfe 88 MK3

    That car sits so nice!
  11. Chambers

    just joined the 1uz club

    Yea, I was saying I liked the new mounts because they were not solid, do you have a picture to compare the new mounts to the factory 7M rubber mounts?
  12. Chambers

    1uz mkII build/full on resto

    Wow, looks like you got a well executed plan so far, looks very promising! Good luck!