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  1. OneJArpus

    Went to the dyno today and got horrible results - AEM V2 PNP 1JZ

    sigh, called tweak today, im trying to turn the car on to connect ecu to laptop to change over the settings i need to do and im not able too ugh!
  2. OneJArpus

    Stupid question time: 1JZ rebuild

    If it aint broke don't fix it.
  3. OneJArpus

    Aem Base map needed for 2jz

    Look into the AEM software it has a map already loaded into it. Just tweak it to match your hardware and you should be ok
  4. OneJArpus

    Went to the dyno today and got horrible results - AEM V2 PNP 1JZ

    all done . getting there changed color of intake manifold, didnt like it but didn't want to strip and start again and delay this car starting again so i continued and i'll take care of the intake manifold another time.. ONWARD with progress did alot of work today but still got more to...
  5. OneJArpus

    Bring back the Kaminari 3 piece spoiler???

    Replicate it again.... for a nominal fee of course LOL ^But in all seriousness if you want something that is VERY hard to find and find someone willing to do it. You gotta pay to play when they set their price. Because they have to make a living too.....
  6. OneJArpus

    Went to the dyno today and got horrible results - AEM V2 PNP 1JZ

    I looked around and any late 80's early 90's denso alternator works off of the camry, corolla, supra, etc... i got this one off of a 91 camry 4 cylinder i work at a junk yard, i have about 5 old toyotas in the yard. Anyone else need one? Throw me a few bucks n i'll go check condition n clip it...
  7. OneJArpus

    Went to the dyno today and got horrible results - AEM V2 PNP 1JZ

    So no alternator plug on my new harness i have to take it off my old harness and low and behold it looks like absolute crap! I worry how the hell will i find a 1JZ plug? Did some research and boom found a very good replacement Even comes with this little boot End result of...
  8. OneJArpus

    Need local 2J help

    Vac lines are easy just route them to the intake manifold.
  9. OneJArpus

    Fire in the engine bay :( and look at the extreme heat tab.
  10. OneJArpus

    Crashed The MK3 Today

    ^LOL i work at a junk yard so i have many salvaged web sites they bid on cars to bring here.
  11. OneJArpus

    Crashed The MK3 Today

    Damn i guess its done. :( If it were turbo i would of gotten her shipped to NJ
  12. OneJArpus

    Missing a bunch of stuff from my engine bay?

    Fuel smell is coming from you missing the charcol can. Look by the heater valve there will be a metal pipe with most likely nothing hooked up to it. Thats the fumes from the gas tank. I had that issue when i took mine out. I ended up using a jza70 charcol can cuz its smaller in size.
  13. OneJArpus

    This is a ShineAuto Lip. My boy ordered them from shine auto and i got it from him.

    This is a ShineAuto Lip. My boy ordered them from shine auto and i got it from him.
  14. OneJArpus

    1JZ Cam Options and discussion/opinions needed and wanted

    I'm running hks 264's with stock valve train. It was checked and adjusted when installed no machine work needed. Car felt like a monster to 7K
  15. OneJArpus

    Went to the dyno today and got horrible results - AEM V2 PNP 1JZ

    Yea gotta do the intake air temp sensor as well.... so i just ordered a GM AIT sensor
  16. OneJArpus

    Crashed The MK3 Today

    What insurance company do you have? I'd buy it back but if you dont want the part out headache no shame in taking the offer i'd try to atleast get more for it if you can. But its all your choice in the end
  17. OneJArpus

    Went to the dyno today and got horrible results - AEM V2 PNP 1JZ

    Alternator plug is not an issue it was actually my mistake on that. Resistor pack purchased already Map plug will be done shortly. Sucks to cut and solder on such an expensive part
  18. OneJArpus

    Went to the dyno today and got horrible results - AEM V2 PNP 1JZ

    Found a few issues with my new harness... Injector resistor pack plug is for a MKIV Resistor pack when I have a 7M style. Alternator plug is oval when i have round and the map sensor plug is the oem toyota when i have a GM 3bar.... First two aren't a big deal but still force me to purchase...