Search results

  1. OneJArpus

    Any 2 Wheel Lovers on the forums

    Yup, i won't ride in shorts, always denim but i want rider specific pants.... which i've seen 70-150 roughly so its a good investment
  2. OneJArpus

    Any 2 Wheel Lovers on the forums

    Already clocked 450 miles driving it a few days a week. No real hairy situations but with enough distance its easy to spot the dick heads. So far so good. Looking at new boots, slip on water proof pants with protection and some water proof gloves and a backpack. Just in case i ride and get...
  3. OneJArpus

    1JZ Thermostat modification for cooling

    I see 197-200 on a hot summer day with it getting to 205 some times. When i shut the car off it'll go to 230-235 but 1 minute after starting it'll be back down to 200. Thats with a LS400 Clutch 7M blade Koyo & a MP T61 with a small trans cooler in front of it for the power steering and...
  4. OneJArpus

    4k RPM turbo lag?!?!

    check compression
  5. OneJArpus

    Any 2 Wheel Lovers on the forums

    I've almost been run over walking doesn't mean i'll stop walking... just means i'll pay more attention... ;)
  6. OneJArpus

    Any 2 Wheel Lovers on the forums

    I just got my license and a bike and was wondering if there are any other avid 2 wheel lovers on the forums. This is my first bike, i'm loving every minute i'm on it. Riding is so much fun!!!!!! 2010 Kawasaki Ninja 250R - $3,300 purchase price with 1,500 miles
  7. OneJArpus

    What do I replace the hydro pump with?

    Just change the pump, its at pain in the ass to do twice, might as well change it now while your upgrading other things.
  8. OneJArpus

    Ok so gonna go stand alone wanna help me choose which one ??

    ^Who in your area tunes Mega Squirt? If you've got to fly someone in or trailor it out far that'll eat up that 1K price difference quick. Especially when issues pop up and they always do.
  9. OneJArpus

    Radiator blew the top open

    Get a new rad cap as well... side note what you running for the ignition system? LS1?
  10. OneJArpus

    Went to the dyno today and got horrible results - AEM V2 PNP 1JZ

    As far as i know Randy didn't share anything with his experience for business purposes.
  11. OneJArpus

    Went to the dyno today and got horrible results - AEM V2 PNP 1JZ

    i'm wiring it up then configuring it right after, just setting everything up just as i do one thing then go to the next. Thank you for the information provided.
  12. OneJArpus

    Went to the dyno today and got horrible results - AEM V2 PNP 1JZ

    I'm looking both, sucks =/ i guess i'll come across it eventually might be searching the wrong things
  13. OneJArpus

    Went to the dyno today and got horrible results - AEM V2 PNP 1JZ

    Where on SF? I'm searching 1zzfe and other terms and not getting much but 6 threads non of which have info on 1zzfe
  14. OneJArpus

    Went to the dyno today and got horrible results - AEM V2 PNP 1JZ

    "cool setup" LOL - ok i'll check my box again last time it didnt have it.
  15. OneJArpus

    Went to the dyno today and got horrible results - AEM V2 PNP 1JZ

    ^Anyone have any idea's on how to setup 1zzfe coils properly on the standalone. I am searching and not coming up with many results.
  16. OneJArpus

    oem moldings

    Doesn't shine auto make all of them brand new?