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  1. northdakotakid

    John's 87 N/A where did my money go!? Build(ish)

    It says right in the TSRM that the head bolts can be reused. I finally got my order from Driftmotion Energy Front Bushings, Timing Belt, Tensioner, Gasket Set, Exhaust Stud heli-coil kit, and FIPG.
  2. northdakotakid

    John's 87 N/A where did my money go!? Build(ish)

    Okay good. What would you recommend to clean the block? Simple green and a lot of elbow grease? Or is there some other trick?
  3. northdakotakid

    John's 87 N/A where did my money go!? Build(ish)

    Okay as long as I torque to 75ft. lbs. I should be okay? In order to get the head resurfaced I need to strip the head completely. My dad just had his 7m head rebuilt and he said it came to around 400 bucks, with resurfacing obviously.
  4. northdakotakid

    John's 87 N/A where did my money go!? Build(ish)

    Got some work done today, pulled most off of the motor, and I cannot seem to find the cause of the coolant leak. The 90 degree elbow does not seem to be cracked or anything, and the metal coolant pipes seem all solid. I am at a dilemma now. The car ran fine before I pulled it, it just leaked...
  5. northdakotakid

    John's 87 N/A where did my money go!? Build(ish)

    Not that anyone cares, but I ordered stuff from Driftmotion and rockauto. Gasket set, timing belt and tensioner, poly bushings, brake pads, rotors, clutch slave cylinder, coolant hoses. Will post pictures when parts arrive. Sent from my SCH-I400 using Tapatalk
  6. northdakotakid

    7mge spark plug valley cover help!

    That's about how much oil I have in mine, I don't know how I wasn't misfiring as well! I also figured out where the coolant was coming from, I blew a coolant hose on the back of the motor awhile back, and some ended up in there with the oil.
  7. northdakotakid

    7mge spark plug valley cover help!

    I havnt had a chance to work on it lately, but I will this week Sent from my SCH-I400 using Tapatalk
  8. northdakotakid

    John's 87 N/A where did my money go!? Build(ish)

    Ok so I for sure need a complete gasket set, my rear main seal is leaking along with everything above that. my power steering pump is also completely covered in grime. I do have a question on cleaning the engine bay. I dont have a pressure washer or hose, so what does everyone use to clean...
  9. northdakotakid

    7mge spark plug valley cover help!

    Well i did have a coolant leak on the back side of the motor, but it didn't spray up, just shot straight down. So these hex screws on the bottom of the valley..what seals them? I'm guessing it will be an easy fix but i thought id ask Sent from my SCH-I400 using Tapatalk
  10. northdakotakid

    7mge spark plug valley cover help!

    Well I got the cover off, and upon further inspection, a majority of the fluid in the plug valley is coolant, not oil. There is a little oil, but not nearly as much as there is coolant. Where could this coolant be coming from?
  11. northdakotakid

    7mge spark plug valley cover help!

    Hoping someone will chime in on this one, I would like to know as well. Sent from my SCH-I400 using Tapatalk
  12. northdakotakid

    John's 87 N/A where did my money go!? Build(ish)

    Got the motor pulled tonight. Good feeling to get the motor and trans out.
  13. northdakotakid

    7mge spark plug valley cover help!

    Wow good to know as well, there is a Harbor Freight in Fargo, 45 min. away from here, maybe ill stop there and pick that up. It would be nice to have a whole set.
  14. northdakotakid

    7mge spark plug valley cover help!

    Good to know I'm not the only one struggling with these. Ill buy one monday, I live 45 min. from the nearest autozone. And my Napa in town closes at 2 on saturdays and is closed on sundays.
  15. northdakotakid

    7mge spark plug valley cover help!

    So im wanting to pull my spark plug cover to drain the oil oil outta the valley, but I cannot for the life of me get the bolts off! I made my own tool to remove the bolts out of a bolt while double nutting the end. When I try to remove them, the tool starts to twist/bend! I am cranking on these...
  16. northdakotakid

    7mge Refresh

    Ok. So I think I'm pulling the head, getting it rebuilt, machined. I will be using arp studs, felpro HG. I will look into a new oil pump. Also need timing belt, and tensioner. What about a water pump? Thanks Sent from my SCH-I400 using Tapatalk
  17. northdakotakid

    7mge Refresh

    Well, I am pulling my 7m since i blew a coolant line on the back of the motor, and it is leaking from every seal possible. It is sleeping over the winter so I figured now was the best time to do it. The engine is higher miles, but has good compression (all within spec), and runs very well...
  18. northdakotakid

    Rota HM3's?

    So I have always loved the look of Super Advans on the MKIII, but I know I would never be able to afford a set, and just the other day I stumbled across these, I think they look pretty good! Not sure on the offset though, but just thought you guys would like to see them and make your own...
  19. northdakotakid

    John's 87 N/A where did my money go!? Build(ish)

    Finally an update: Well I blew a coolant hose on the back side of the motor, so while it is winter, and the supra will be out of commission for some time, I decided to pull the motor and give it a well needed refresh. I started today, didn't do too much, but it's better than nothing. I'm...
  20. northdakotakid

    I think I blew my Headgasket...

    Well I finally got time to actually look at the supra. Good news is its not a bhg, I have a bad hose on the back of the engine. It pukes coolant out there. I'm so relieved that's all it is.