No need to re-invent the wheel, the BIC solid Subframe spacers are on sale for only $75 shipped !!! , see this link for details;
Thats definatly late 80's / early 90's style right there, so its not going to look "cool" in our time. But besides the muffler tips its not that bad, but yes it could use some updating. There's some good pics to archive.
The 2jz clutches are the same, the SC and NA fan blade put the fan really close to the rad hose, the TT blade will work if you have the stock rad. If you have a Koyo AL, or other two row rad you will need to use the n/a blade as the TT blade will hit your rad. I also had to do some spacing on...
Yes, these would work great on the 2jz with the AEM. Each coil has an ignitor built in, so you can loose the stock ignitor and you also wont need the DLI, that the AEM ignition "requier's" at higher boost levels. You should be able to run it in full sequential ignition then, assuming it has 6...
If you cant find the right socket, just grind down the outside diameter with a bench grinder or even an angle grinder. Sockets are only a few bucks anyways.
It uses V-band flanges with gaskets!!!!, v-bands arent supposed to use gaskets, that is why they are great....I have tried to use those cheap china made v-bands and they definatly dont seal or even tighten enough...I guess thats why they have gaskets, but those wont last long being so small in...
Any one her used one of these yet?. These look to be very promising heavy duty turbo's. Full race swears by these turbo's and tested one of the BW 61mm turbo's against a Garret GT35R and it out spooled it and made more TQ at the same boost, not bad for a large shaft journal bearing turbo!! The...
Its not that the goal is to cool the fuel for performance reasons, its that the fue gets over heated to the point it changes the tune (AFR's) like IJ pointed out. When we were tuning the car I mentioned before, we had it dialed in, then the AFR's started going all over the place, after we had it...
When I had the stock JZ ignition I would change them about every month or so thats with racing every weekend and running 19-20 psi boost. Now with the BIC 1ZZ coil kit, my NGK coppers lasted me the whole summer last year, and that with about 50 passes down the drag strip!!!, try that with stock...
Retail price on the Sport 2000 with the long harness is $1997.01, our goal is to offer the P&P units for $1949.....UNDER retail price!!!. We will be dyno testing a stock 1jz car in the next week or so, once we have results we will post up the info and details. There will also be a flying lead...
Thats what you get for buying knock off's.... lol, the lower plates are even installed backwards, the notch should be facing the opposite way, and they arent even coated or painted.
If you get a 1jz from a JZA70 and you have an 89+ (with round mounts) you can use the brackets that came with...
Is fuel heating a common problem with the Bosch's in general or just the Booster pump style fuel system?. I just know from experiance that a friend of mine that had the Denso intank and the Bosch 044 inline that after about 30 min on the dyno the fuel was heated up and the fuel tank itself was...
We have some exhaust options available too......3.5", 4" and the 3" Stealth catback. We are also working on a budget 3" catback. Check out our website and Vendor section here.
Yes you should be able to lower the subframe enough to get the spacers in. You will have to pull the rear seat bottoms out and plastic plugs in the trunk to get to the subframe bolts, you may have to pull them up a bit to get the spacers in. There is some info on the spacer thread in the BIC...
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