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  1. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    Car was running fine. Was starting each and every time. Lately it began to be a little rough idling once it was started, then yesterday, I could not get it to start. It cranks fine, but will not fire. I have checked the grounds, as I got a code 11. All grounds are present and clean. The...
  2. J

    Idle issue

    I just acquired a 1989 NA 7mge....was told the TPS needed replacing. When I first drove it, the idle would bounce from nearly zero to about 2k....when I unplugged the TPS, the engine idle went sky high....thought it was boing to blow before I got to the key. I do have code 51 and I hear the...
  3. J

    86.5 Wrap Around Water Pipe

    Just bought an 86.5 NA, this isn't my first rodeo but I have not seen this before. The wrap around pipe that feeds the heater core is capped off on the drivers side with a welded cap and the hose runs to the firewall from the passenger side. Usually it is just the opposite and the cap is a...
  4. J

    Won't start...removed push button start and has clifford alarm

    3p141592654 thanks a put me onto the starter relay...I pulled one from another car, put it in and it fired right up....Many thanks to the master!!!!! I'll look you up next time i'm in LA visiting family and buy you a few beers!!!!!
  5. J

    Won't start...removed push button start and has clifford alarm

    Found the relay..swapped with another...still no start...going to test resistance
  6. J

    Won't start...removed push button start and has clifford alarm

    There are a couple of wires mated from the Clifford to the factory alarm box...the install looks pretty if it started before I removed the push button and now it wont does that mean it was fubar before and the push button was a bandaid?
  7. J

    Won't start...removed push button start and has clifford alarm

    I can't see anything cut or moved... all factory wiring seems intact...the alarm is spliced to about two dozen locations...
  8. J

    Won't start...removed push button start and has clifford alarm

    I had it running before I pulled the push button start...
  9. J

    Won't start...removed push button start and has clifford alarm

    Yep...brand new battery...the dash lights dim when I turn gbd key but starter does nothing...engine harness is pristeen and no weird wires on starter...BTW car is an auto...tried park and neutral to start
  10. J

    Won't start...removed push button start and has clifford alarm

    Ok, I know, you are going to tell me to remove the alarm...but I am not sure that's the problem. Heres the story...bought a car with rod knock. It had a push button start that worked. To remove the push button, I took the wire off the starter and the one off the positive battery terminal...
  11. J

    Dash Security Light is constantly on

    I'll remember that.... Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
  12. J

    Dash Security Light is constantly on

    Yeah...I too...this swap tested my skills .... Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
  13. J

    Dash Security Light is constantly on

    Found the problem....when the turbo gauge was taken out, there was a jumper wire put in where the battery gauge replaced the turbo gauge. That jumper was placed on the security tab instead of the correct spot. Now all is good, both the battery gauge and the security light work as they...
  14. J

    Dash Security Light is constantly on

    I'll pull the dash out tomorrow and see....thought it looked ok, but I might have missed something.
  15. J

    Dash Security Light is constantly on

    Car starts and runs fine...all other systems seem to run well. The only gauge that seems a bit off is the voltage, it reads low and I know the battery checks at 14 and my turbo timer says volts is about 14 as well. I have seen the wiring and it is straight forward, only thing that the light is...
  16. J

    Dash Security Light is constantly on really wasnt a hack job...looked like it was installed well...scotch connectors and zip ties all over Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
  17. J

    Dash Security Light is constantly on

    Forgot....there used to be a high end security system on the car that I took out because I did not have any of the instructions or controls. The PO had disabled all the door locks, which I added back in and they now work with the key and the lock bezel. I also had to add locks to it because he...
  18. J

    Dash Security Light is constantly on

    I've had the gauges out and all looks good...I've got another TDs computer so I'll just try that...I was hoping someone could give me a different answer.... Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
  19. J

    Dash Security Light is constantly on

    Typically the light is on when all circuits are closed and the ignition is off.... Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk