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  1. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    Continually reading threads about non starting 7mgte' common thing is a CPS wiring....I wired it by this: CPS....................Harness Green.................Red Red....................Blue White.................Black Yellow................Yellow Is there any other way it should be...
  2. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    Suprarx7nut....thanks for the reply....I didnt think spinning the cps would work either, but thought I would give it a shot. Supranewbie....I put a shot of oil in each cylinder....didn't really change anything.... Nick M...I appreciate the offer, but I think I should use those funds to just...
  3. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    After reading posts from PI and suprarx7nut, i looked over the wiring diagrams and concluded I should connect all the electrical up to do my injector diagnostics. I had been checking the injector pulse with the coils unplugged. Once I plugged them in, my noid light began to flash while...
  4. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start I should have done the compression test with the throttle open....I will remember that in the future, but my numbers were so low, that I cant imagine opening the throttle would have increased numbers from 50-90 points.... My main issue now is to look at why I have no injector pulse...
  5. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    PI....Are you saying your not sure with that question mark, or should it not have power on both sides??? I am frustrated at the moment with this...part of me says the compression is way to low and I should pull and rebuild, but then I would not have a solution to the no start issue and may be...
  6. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    The answer is no....would that make a difference because compression is done when the valves are closed
  7. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    After further review.....I finally got the noid light...checked voltage on the plug while has power to one side, but not the other....I swapped my ECU and got the same it appears that there is a wiring issue somewhere. I swapped out the Injector...
  8. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    Im looking for the "other timing problems" ideas?
  9. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    I am hoping for that...but when I originally lookwd , the can gears were straight up and the crank was at 0
  10. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    Early on when i was lining up all the marks to put in the CPS, the crank turned very it didn't have much compression. I am sure the cylinders have a lot of fuel in there as i have tried many times to start it...i have gotten a "poof" a couple of times with the 300 pipe off. I took...
  11. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start spark on all 6, tested with a light....since I had everything off, decided to do compression test, 50-70 on all 6. 7M just took a huge dump!
  12. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    Thanks jetjock....I have been checking on this on and off all day today.....I took out each plug to check for gap. They are NGK and I read that this model should be gapped to .32, so I did. I then plugged them all into the wires and tried to see if I could see any spark on them....alas, I did...
  13. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    sprayed starting fluid in brake booster and then in the intake....nothing, no spark not even a hint of firing....and I do have great fuel this leads back to electrical I would assume...
  14. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    I just rechecked and the CEL light works turns on when the key is in the on position, and blinks properly when the diag block is jumpered. Checked for codes again, still have none, light continuously blinks....
  15. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    Thanks for the suggestion....I do have fuel pressure, when I jumper the b+ and the FP i hear fuel running and it pressures up well. I have been doing a bit more reading, and a bit b+ only has power when I turn the ignition on and my cel does not light up unless I am jumpering to...
  16. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    Another UPDATE: Just checked all the fuses in the box by the battery, again, they are all fine. Rechecked for spark, all six sires fire....tried to start it and i heard one chug, as if it was going to fire on one cylinder, but it just kept cranking. I had the battery on a charger all night and...
  17. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    UPDATE: Rewired the CPS, properly placed connectors on the harness and replaced the CPS with one that had been repaired and was working change, still cranks without starting. Checked the timing gears and CPS timing marks to make sure it had not slipped a tooth, everything was ok...
  18. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    Pulled the CPS today. As I was pulling it, I noticed oil leaking from underneath onto the exhaust manifold. As i got closer, I noticed a lot of oil lower on the hoses. When I pulled the cap off, there was oil sitting in it and everything inside was coated with oil. I'm working on getting the...
  19. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    I read that several times...not sure where else to look...checked grounds and battery... all seem good
  20. J

    7MGTE 1989 Won't Start

    Thanks for the reply...I have the Ignitor externally grounded... I also just noticed that the cps is hard wired in...I bought this car 15 years ago...sold it 4 years ago and just bought it back about a year ago...when I originally had it the wiring harness was I'm noticing a few...