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  1. *james*

    Z guy here :)

    Damn, nice car man, looks sweet. I always wondered how fast the VG was, nothing compared to the 2jz haha!
  2. *james*

    UTI: Universal Technical Institute

    Ok thanks. I'll write those names down. Yeah books would be handy for studying, and if some of the instructors aren't teaching what I want to learn I can just look at the books and study. They mentioned something about the Ford Fact course and said that it was only fords, so I think I told them...
  3. *james*

    1JZGTE 1979 toyota cressida Rx30

    That looks pretty sweet, nice car!
  4. *james*

    UTI: Universal Technical Institute

    hmm well I'll keep in mind some of these things, and I'm going to check out the ASE books as well. So the worst thing about it was the instructors, I've heard this many times. I might try and talk to a few instructors when I go to Chicago in Febuary, and I might be going to AZ christmas...
  5. *james*

    UTI: Universal Technical Institute

    Yeah I figured 91% placement rate, keywords "in the industry" so they say, is a little outrageous, ok maybe wayyy outrageous from what I'm hearing lol! Only thing is, I learn better hands on, its just my thing, people are different, when I have multiple vehicles to work on instead of just my own...
  6. *james*

    UTI: Universal Technical Institute

    This is what I'm looking for, good and bad replys. I'll take all of this into consideration, as of now I'm already enrolled, so I'll try it out. If it is exactly like some of you say then I won't stay, and I won't pay the full tuition (when I say that I mean it)! Yes I agree that they might of...
  7. *james*

    my run at jap show finale 2009 12.8 @112.79

    Better reaction time and knock down that 60ft. time and you will have a lot better run. Nice job though!
  8. *james*

    UTI: Universal Technical Institute

    I'd like to hear more about the other options after the basic program as well. I'm signed up for the auto and a small deisel class. I know you have to be accepted into the advanced specific programs. Any more info on the Ford FACT program?
  9. *james*

    UTI: Universal Technical Institute

    Yes sorry 20 months, that sounds better lol! But sounds like a good school, I would like to learn some machining, that I don't believe they include at UTI. Well Donnie, that sounds like some bullshit on their part. My mother and I both specifically asked (due to my 94yr. old G-ma) if there is...
  10. *james*

    UTI: Universal Technical Institute

    It sounds like a good school. Are there extra programs you can take? How many hours is it, 20 weeks doesn't sound very long at all..What program are you taking?
  11. *james*

    UTI: Universal Technical Institute

    Whatever works for you is good as long as your getting to do what you like! Is that a year long school like UTI and Wyotech or is it a 2 or 4 year college? I have never heard of it.
  12. *james*

    UTI: Universal Technical Institute

    Like I've said before and as many other people have said, they leave the door open, you just have to walk through it. Meaning, you have to apply yourself, you have to really want to be in this business otherwise you ARE going to be wasting your time and money (most likely the kids you have heard...
  13. *james*

    UTI: Universal Technical Institute

    Yeah not sure where you heard that one, there is actually more lab time from what I have heard.. Class time is very important as well, how are you going to be a good mechanic without any book smarts to back you up? You have to get an understanding through studying the books too, your not going...
  14. *james*

    Greddy Speed cut need to know which one i need...

    There is a Greddy speed cut defencer on driftmotion for the jz's, is that what you are asking?
  15. *james*

    UTI: Universal Technical Institute

    Yep it helps when your going to school for something you actually like doing.
  16. *james*

    UTI: Universal Technical Institute

    Nice, yea you can't get lazy at a school like that, it costs too much. I would only go to the school if you are really serious about it.
  17. *james*

    UTI: Universal Technical Institute

    yes, no need for Snap-on there are a lot of other nice tools too. They probably picked snap-on because they know they have a good name and they are one of the more exspensive brands, so they can make money. I meant by no need to buy tools first by you never know exactly what your going to get...
  18. *james*

    UTI: Universal Technical Institute

    Thanks garebear for clearing that up a little better. Which campus are you at, I don't think you mentioned that? The only thing you need is an ohm meter, and your supposed to buy one from snap-on so you all have the same one. Only $1000 towards tools. You don't need to buy tools until you figure...
  19. *james*

    UTI: Universal Technical Institute

    After graduating, they will give you a 1000 dollars towards a starter tool set from snap on. Phoenix has a on campus Napa store, and Snap-on comes throughout the year to the school, I believe you can get student discounts while attending and possibly after graduating. I'm not completely sure on...
  20. *james*

    UTI: Universal Technical Institute

    ^Thanks poodles, I was going to get to that. Thats what I read I believe. People ending up in those low paying jobs aren't trying as hard as they could to get up there in the industry. UTI leaves the door open, you have to walk through it. Just because they say they will help find you a job...