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  1. Chambers

    After 14,000 Miles - 1UZ-FE W58 Swap Reflections

    Nice, thanks for the comment. First post updated. Thanks again all!
  2. Chambers

    After 14,000 Miles - 1UZ-FE W58 Swap Reflections

    Can't give a good answer about handling, I don't have another road worthy Supra to compare it to so its hard to tell. Info about the swap to follow soon, thanks all!
  3. Chambers

    After 14,000 Miles - 1UZ-FE W58 Swap Reflections

    Holy wrong post edit bat man... well this post is long gone. managed to get some of it back: Originally Posted by PureDrifter mind going over a rough cost outlay for the whole swap as well as naming offhand those stupid small bits that you end up needing in the middle of assembly...
  4. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    Photos as of this morning after making it to work, and it drove so good!
  5. Chambers

    After 14,000 Miles - 1UZ-FE W58 Swap Reflections

    <As requested info below pics> Hi all, for the last year I have been driving my 1987 Supra with the 1UZ-FE W58 swap. In that time I managed to put just over 14,000 miles on the swap, and had a few problems but more positive inspiring things than anything. I just wanted to give a reflection...
  6. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    Ahh, that link doesn't look like American Racing wheels bud, and yea these wheels are slick! I was going to go with the American Racing wheels equivalent, but these found me before I bought the "real" ones and I got different center caps that say "4.0" witch was ironic because the 1UZ is a 4.0...
  7. Chambers

    Wiring the 1UZ-FE into a Pre-89 Supra

    The engine control wiring, mainly need to see if your book has the wiring for the cold start injector, mine does not. Thanks, you have a PM regarding the same subject.
  8. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    Well today was the final day for the current engine, I got it pulled and prepping the next one to go in soon. Gonna be good to have a 100% 1UZ. Pics:
  9. Chambers

    Carbon fiber feeler

    Yea, I think window trim all round, even if it was secured with a epoxy type glue would be a big improvment for some of our cars. The upper hatch peice on my 87 is starting to crack and peal so I vote that one first :).
  10. Chambers

    Break out the custom race dashboards

    You can get them here, I think they look nice, but I like my plain jane cluster for now.
  11. Chambers

    Carbon fiber feeler

    It has been brought up before, there is a reason the dash is the way it is, soft. If you have a barley driven show car, a carbon fiber dash is neat. But for a street car, it could end up hurting someone in a crash. By the way, what&#8217;s the temperature limits on the resins used for this...
  12. Chambers

    Carbon fiber feeler

    How about the "mud flaps" front and rear. Yes, this would be ideal.
  13. Chambers

    "Blocked off" brake line

    Good to hear you got the brakes done! Enjoy your car!
  14. Chambers

    Backfiring and bouncing at 3k BUT ONLY ON A COLD START

    I have another case similar, my 1UZ. On cold starts, and it&#8217;s been extremely bad lately from being seasonally cold, it sounds and shows (on the tach) like its breaking up like one cylinder is not getting enough fuel, spark, or compression. If I try to drive it before the "popping"...
  15. Chambers

    Daemon Gauges - Got any info?

    Bump for info, I have been sending e-mails to a few different people that deal with these gauges to no avail so far. Thanks.
  16. Chambers

    "Blocked off" brake line

    So there was a nail, in the brake line? WOW, what kind of person would do that? That is very sketchy. If hydraulics will not push it out, then it may come down to replacing the whole line, or cutting it back until you get fluid and doing a coupler. Maybe you can make a adapter to hook...
  17. Chambers

    i need chassis harness pinouts!! 87 and 90

    So you have a 87 Turbo engine, harness, ECU, etc. and a 90 shell. Is the 90 a turbo car? Is the 90 a auto or manual? Is the 87 ECU/harness auto or manual? This will be quite a under taking, there are many differences between a 87 and 90. I have all the wiring info for the 87, the 90 is...
  18. Chambers

    fnally got them!

    Wow, these look great on a white car. I think you have perfect ride height/tire size.
  19. Chambers

    has anyone ever bought parts from

    Thats great, I havent heard that song in a while. This is neat, I never heard of this place for parts, I will probably be checking them out for some clips and hardware.