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  1. Chambers

    mk3 build

    This is great! What are you doing for engine management?
  2. Chambers

    **MK3 Supra / 1uzfe / Single Turbo Build Thread Part 2!**

    Looks good, Have you thought about how your going to route your belt?
  3. Chambers

    **MK3 Supra / 1uzfe / Single Turbo Build Thread Part 2!**

    wow, now thats a pile, haha. Seems like you had one heck of a time with that sub frame, makes me wonder what mine will bring when it comes time to replace bushings.
  4. Chambers

    may possibly beable to buy 4 supras for cheap

    Yea, this is very important. Recently I traded a decent Ranger for the 89 and 90 in my sig, and both have there problems, I just got the 90 running today and if I didn't have a place for them I would be up shits creek with no boat... and thats only two, you could be dealing with four. Good luck!
  5. Chambers

    my 87 build.

    Very nice, the welds look great.
  6. Chambers

    wiring question for 1uz guys

    Yes, its pretty strait forward. Also, you can utilize all your factory gauges with the 1UZ, the only thing you need to modify is for the oil pressure gauge. The SC400 uses a dummy light and associated pressure switch on the oil filter housing. So all you have to do is snip and solder a Supra...
  7. Chambers

    wiring question for 1uz guys

    Do a little more research and you will find the 7 wire 1UZ can be unreliable, you need to utilize a relay to turn on the ECU and everything else. Click the link in my sig fir wiring info, it's really simple to do it right, so really there is no escuse not do it right . Good luck.
  8. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    Just got this piece of steel in the mail, if you know what it is, then you will know my intentions...:naughty:
  9. Chambers

    fuel door getting stuck??

    The cable in my 87 seems to be stretched, so I got some stainless washers and shimmed the latch so it would require less to open and now it pops much better, but it does get worse in the cold.
  10. Chambers

    2012 Calendar Submissions

    Two of mine, last two are from a Canon Rebel I had for a day:love::
  11. Chambers

    I want to drop my a/c help please

    Yea, I would leave it on. But since you asked, once the system is blead of refrigerant its basically nuts and bolts that hold every thing on. there are four long bolts (12mm i believe) that hold the compressor on with two 10mm bolts that hold the hi/lo pressure lines on top. Then a bunch of...
  12. Chambers

    1989 Turbo Auto - 1.37V at IGN Fuse, No ECU power, More details inside

    Thanks for the replies. I do have a EWD handy, It’s my second favorite book! :). When I get back to the car I will take some photos and do some more testing. I'm still in that "I like a challenge" mindset, so here’s hoping that it pans out. Thanks again.
  13. Chambers

    1989 Turbo Auto - 1.37V at IGN Fuse, No ECU power, More details inside

    Sure, any comments and ideas are appreciated. I checked the EFI Main Relay (Round Silver) but didn’t check the brown rectangular one. I will note that and see if it’s functioning. Thanks, I may be toying with this latter in the week.
  14. Chambers


    From what I have read you need to do a decent amount of suspension work to make it a good contender like coil overs, subframe bushings, control arm bushings, traction arms etc... But if your just out for fun then go for it, I bet your car will want to slide right off the track when you get...
  15. Chambers

    1989 Turbo Auto - 1.37V at IGN Fuse, No ECU power, More details inside

    Hi all, I got a chance to work on my 89 turbo automatic car over the weekend. The goal was to see if the engine runs, and basically address whether its better to part out or attempt to fix. When I started working on it, the engine would crank but would not produce any spark/fuel and the EFI...
  16. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    Got a chance to install the hatch visor I recently received from KevinM. I think it looks good, but won't really know until sun light hits it.
  17. Chambers

    Targa Suports.

    Doesn't BIC still make/sell targa bars?
  18. Chambers

    Best of luck to anyone in Japan...

    Now they are having problems with the nuclear power plants, like the title says, best of luck!
  19. Chambers

    Chambers Build Thread - "Daily Eighty-Seven"

    lmao is right, its ok though. I saw it, and said to my self hmm, maybe? So I clicked it and said, NOPE, those arnt wheels. haha. Thanks for the reply!
  20. Chambers

    After 14,000 Miles - 1UZ-FE W58 Swap Reflections

    Yes, idealy you should have the entire car to pull stuff from. There are a lot of little things like the heater VSV, you can swap the SC one into the Supra and if you wire it into the dash harness you can have heat on demand.