Some more parts came in. FMIC, Gates Coolant hoses, Slave Cylinder, Pilot bearing, AFM, coilpack cover.
I also have a lexus AFM lying around somewhere but I thought I'd break the motor in with the stock toyota afm.
and who said 1j's were the torqueless wonder?! boooyyaaa motha fkas! I wanna go get mine running right now!! What exhaust is that? I gotta go change my pants cause that was just pure sex!!
also check out zankoku under misc vendors. He has a bunch of ic kits too. Some bolt on some you can make a custom kit by just buying an intercooler and then buying all the piping and welding it together.
That's why I want to be set for drag and road course. I also love driving on fun curvy roads heh.
I'm sure if the supra was well rounded it would've knocked the guys mullet off! Nice vid though. Looks like they had fun.
Not necessarily. Check your fans. See if they're working properly. If you have a mechanical fan check if the fan clutch is still good. If your fans are working properly then do a Water Pressure test while the car is off to see if there is a hose leaking somewhere or then you might have bhg. good...
Yea retrospec had a gb on them awhile ago. They were 6 1/2". I bought a set from him. Looks nice but it doesn't come in carpet. I still have yet to install it :-/
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