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  1. NashMan

    e manage U or reg emanage ?

    well what to use the blue box or the black box ? well i going to be buying the profect e 1 does it work with the emange U if it does that whould be great if it does all so do they have all the bugs worked out the emange U
  2. NashMan

    what type of igntion system do you run

    well right now i plan on runing a nogly hot wires but i was thinking of run a tiwn power or a msd unit what do you guys think and what do you guys run
  3. NashMan

    To dump or not to dump that is the ?

    well frist off i i really can not make up mu mind if i wana dump or tie my waste gate back into the system 1 plus for dump is easyer to do and sounds neat more power mabye ? tie back in mabye better for turq any way this is my setup pte 67 p trim 3.5 inc down pipe 4 inc...
  4. NashMan

    what kind of plastic is the fornt bumper made of

    as the thread name reads what is it made of i want to use filler on it and some gule
  5. NashMan

    hatch leak hummmmm

    well i have had this issue wiht my hatch all ways leaking as soon as pop my hatch the water poors out the back plastick peac give me some idea's teh rear wing has bean siconed on so it don't leak form there far as i know of
  6. NashMan

    i picked out muffler

    well after alot of thinking and reading i fainly picked one out borla xr1 multy core muffler 4 inc in 4 inc out this is suppost to be the best free flow muffler you can buy to this date hell it has 4 cores to it over laying each other and has very littel packing to ti that si all...
  7. NashMan

    what muffler to use

    well my system going ot be 3.5 for dp and mabey just mabye 4 inc back might just use 3.5 all the way thou now what muffler to use
  8. NashMan

    has any one ran this muffler befor

    well since i rebuilig my exhaust to a bigger size 3.5 should keep my apexi n1 i love the sound of it all ways have but it not 3.5 inlet and i kinda want change but hate crappy sounding cars any wya i was looking at the magana flow race muffer 3.5 inc in and 3.5 out they look to be...
  9. NashMan

    i got new turbo ...............

    well i got my turbo it is not the gt40 thou i got PTE 67 P trim 70 compser 68 turbine good for 750 hp
  10. NashMan

    NashMan karrr at low boost and mega rich still fast thou

    well this is just plain run on flat ground and good tration for once EDIT: By GrimJack. Link fixed.
  11. NashMan

    NashMan's KaRRRRR

    well these are pic of my car form the import show i have more but eh this show most of it any way click on the pic's to see them in bigger size oh the side note the car ate it's turbo but i pushed 347 hp and 398 turq at 11 psi cap 22 psi upgrade ct26 57 trim with ported waste gate...
  12. NashMan

    blitz street spec boost crontrol need more then 18 psi

    well this boost controler only goes to 18 psi but i want it go more can i just use a bleder vavle and just trick the sbc in to thinking there is less boost form the main sores and up my psi tahnsk i am pretty sure this will work but you never know
  13. NashMan

    t4/t3 or just full t4

    well right now i might be buying a gt35 40 now my qestion is will the t3 hot drop any power compared to full t4 set up
  14. NashMan

    zex dry shot on turbo

    well boyz and girls i got kit for my car and i plan to use it for per spool how many peoepl ahve used dry set up wiht here turbo car's ps i plan to shoot 50 shot
  15. NashMan

    trying to pick turbo

    well frist off the ones i am looking at are the gt40 and the the gt35 40 r the gt40 will not be ball bareing in any way cause i can not affford it i just don't want to held up but the turbo in upper power band i want like 500 plus easy and i don't know if the gt35 40 can do...