well i have hated that the main enigne harnes gose over the enigne so i extending it to go under the rad support
but 2 batch of of sheiled wire sucks ass the connectrs are like alot of money when all said and done i think it's goingot cost me like 80+ bucks to extened the harness but...
well i was out in the yard looking at some motors and i notiice some thing
the 5m and the 7m have the same bolt holes aka where our steering is there alt is there
if you whould just take the braket and slide tentioner it will bolt up to the 7m
extened the wires and you are done and...
well i have this idea well since i have owned my 85mk2
i noted some thing from it the water pump belt is a nice fat ribbed one comparded to the 7mgte really thin ribbed belt
well if you look at the 85 6m jdm i found out they used same alt pullie as the 85 5mge
so this mean's if there...
well frist off i must say i have bena playing wiht my car for 6 yeasr and now that i look at it i impressed all list my mods list
shell 86.5
887mgte 9.3.1
ross piston 20 over
cusotm cam's
cfs race rad
obx cam gear for a 2j
b&m oil cooler
shoot peed stock rods
cevit bareings...
well i be thinking on new diffetn types of intakes for my car
short runner long runner ect
but my friend showed me some thing new that i have never sean befor
a 2 tank manafold this was done by the gruop b v dummber's back in the day when they chould not get = flow to each cyc...
well i ask you this cause mine is off now and this whould cause big havic if you need to truq some thing
so i looking for new one now what should i get i don't want a clicker now more i look for diggy one any one got any good ideas on some nice truq wreanches
plz keep them down tot...
well my car had an oil leak ( fornt main seal) and was sick and tired of leav crap load of oil on the ground so i bought a t belt and new seal well i was lazy about this and such and really did not want to put the new seal in since i don't knwo if the bottm end was good eghough for me to fix the...
well any ways i may have found a 7mge but ti cam out of a cersta or how ever it is spelt
is the hp number cause of the ecu or some thgin int eh motor it's sefl
i herd it just the ecu or the it's the exhuast many
one is to get rid fo the fule perures dampner
and the other is to run cold start or not to run one cause reammber that bad boy help your car start up faster and less where on dry start up's
well i have my batt in back and have installed the switch btu nwo i ahve to kill the alt
i can think of 2 ways of doing this
kill the main lead on the alt akak power wire with sinlnod
or kill it form igtion
witch way is better and thinki cna use a 25amp relay on the igntion to...
Well I have good news I'm going to be making these full time now since I haven't found a machine shop that will make the stuff I need to make this shifter! I'm excited about this I hope you guy's are as well!
Production start date is April 28th, price is $110 usd with your core shifter and...
well i have one on my afpr but i wanted one in my cabin but there so dame exp for them just cause of the sencer aka auto meter
now i cna do teh cheep root and run a macincal bolted to my hood but i just don't know one gauge on the hood whould look kinda funny
i find
so how...
as in 2 waste gates and tanged trubo
i read into this abit but i really can see it really helping to much mabye tad bit of spool
what do you gusy think
well i ahve taken my dash out like 8 time or more since i have had my car and all ways said to my self i should make it stroung or at lest finsh the welds on the man brace tube or paint it
well i fianly did it i finshed up the welds and drill spoted the main tube fpr more spot wedling...
i was woundering on where this wire is on this thing i my guess it wya up top on the stick part
has any one really took one of these part
caus ei wounder if the wire it's self will get good clean if you just spray and clean thing is just be cause it's teh wire that needs ot be cleaned...
well these last cuple of dasy have bena hard on me
and i have put my car up for sale i really don't want to cause i chould never replace some thign liek what i have made
reson being i started a new job about 3 mouth ago quite old higher paying job for this one too
and now they are...
well i was talkign to local company that might bebeale to my some plexi or lexan back window and quter glass
from my understanding you will still use the stock window trim and the screws will be hinded under it
this will all be avlive in any tint you want as well i going for black tint...
well i have to say thanks to every that came to the meet it was really fun for me and i will be coming back
thanks dave for lettign me crash on your sofa and bike lol
(still laughing about the tire thou ehhe)
i took some pic and will host em in bit i did not take many since my...
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