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  1. NashMan

    Ati damper ?

    well i when to there web page but they don't make em for the 7m but some one on here has one so now i am kinda stumped i need ot get new one any ways mine is chipped and old any thing over 250 k on it has to be repplaaced i was going to buy stock unit but i think toy will ass fuck me on the...
  2. NashMan

    Dude beats the shit outta a girl for not putting out
  3. NashMan

    Do you ever get tired of working?

    well i have to ask this but do you ever get tired of workign on your car and just never wantign to work on it any more cause i am at this state and i don't know what to do i have no drive to do it any more for some reson yes i work as mec as my daily job and race when i can but whe...
  4. NashMan

    Old red shitty the rally car

    well this is my mk2 supra that is nick named old red shitty cause it's very slow dynoed 71 hp wow really power full eh lol but once you get up to speed it ant to bad this carwill get new motor soon or i going to blow the fucker up lol latest idea is to get 84 ceica and stuff 7m into...
  5. NashMan

    can any one find me a place that has a cheaper new main efi harness

    well i called our local toyota and they wanted 1300 bucsk i said that's nice so were my lump of gold with it she replayed it comes in plastic bag had litte laugh about that any ways supra sport has em but i remmber ordering form there befor and they took for ever and sent me wrpouing...
  6. NashMan

    nm shifter

    well i have fainly cut down the vid so i chould host it this is just sneek peek of what it does
  7. NashMan

    my new car well not new but a new use of this car

    well it's 86 mk2 supra aka the rally car these are some pic's of the last event i whent to quoted on our iland forum dont remember his scores, but he was definately the hero of the day. For our last run we just did a fun run thing and took out passengers that as far as I know were...
  8. NashMan

    idea's idea's idea's

    well right now i may have found place to get head work done for really cheep so this is my game plan frist off spec on car and mangment lex afm sfac 2 afpr greddy rubick lc 580 cc injecotrs for now soon to be 680 stock ecu avcr pte 76 p trim cable of 780 hp lexus thottle body...
  9. NashMan

    if you buy a clutch slave / master what whould you pic

    well i buy yota all the time re man slaves are just no no
  10. NashMan

    FFI the Nashy way

    well i was going to post this in my build up thread but i goig to give sneak peek on the general side for shit and giggle all teh rest of the updates will be int eh nm build thread but here is teaser oh yae i doing some neat stuff to the vavle covers as well
  11. NashMan

    whos going to supra fest

    well i was going to go but now i don't have place to stay so this sucsk but who els is going
  12. NashMan

    Rebic Lc can't read japanese help

    well i whould like little info on this thing i know what it does cancels rev limt cancels fule cut widen maps and makes timing much safer at high boost cancels speed limt now come's the qestion's some one told me i can run as big as injectors as i want to certon point and ajust...
  13. NashMan

    were to tap my safc 2 in

    well i just scored a rebic lc for my car and right now i can't decide on where to tap the safc into. before rebic or after? i thinking after cause then i can do fine tweaks and it should not interfere with the rebic i thinks but i am not certain so i posted up this thread for reason.
  14. NashMan

    Affordable brake upgrade need idea's

    well right now i looking to replace my caplier and keep my stock rotors (well aware about gain on running larger rotor so no flame shit) well i asking this cause slide pin's are gay as shit and since one of my front capler's have broken slide pin why nto try to repalce the stock crap...
  15. NashMan

    well i got new wheels, but rear fitment is close

    well i got a set of wheels they are wide 9 up front and 10 rear from lip to lip now in the rear is the prob ther is about 1 figer of room befor the rim rubbs the shock tower with full weight on wheel there is about 2 finger's i do not have tires on these wheels so ti makes it hard to see...
  16. NashMan

    fired up the old ps2 still got it heheheh

    fired up the old ps2 to play some grand truismoe 3 and i think i still got it heheheh
  17. NashMan

    finally posted pics

    yup in my build up thread thought you guy's whould like to see what i do for fun
  18. NashMan

    oil feed thread pitch

    well I got my fitting in and umm it's wrong will not thread so does any one know off the top of there head what pitch it is plus they made my oil retun line too long so that has to go back as well man this suck's help a brother out mdc should know this since he sell's the...
  19. NashMan

    highest hp useing the lex afm

    well i wounder how much power poeple have gotten out of there lex afm 500 600 ect
  20. NashMan

    how long have you owned your supra ?

    i have owned mine for 6 yeasr now i thinks and i start off with a na