i like to start a diffent thread about the t state spacer
i thinking on maken a run of 20 at rough 85 usd not finale grup buy will most likly be cheeper
speed beeder for fast coolent re fill
extra 1/8 thread hole befor the t state for a proper place to a put temp sencer...
Well, I went to Vancouver today to test out the shifter in Grimjack's car.
He will be testing the beta version until I take it back from him - sorry Dave LOL.
I say the test worked out great, I hope Dave will chime in here and there about what he think's but so far, it's great I find...
one of mine whould have to be the november rain slash
there is one other but i just can't remmber teh bad nam it's hella long and bad ass
the other one is ground pond
well since i had brake on my mind i had thought and think i have herd befor but i don't know if it's ture
well i vagly remmber some talking about this
take mk4 na rear caplers and swaping them on the mk3
cause the rear piston was bigger then the reg mk3
this is what i have...
this thread has to be the best and funnest thread ever
all the branch offs will keep yopu entrained for hours
i love the turbo mufflers my self
yes yes it is that time again kiddies that i have dranken beer and thought of an idea
drum roll
well i just got kitten not to long ago and i named him
Hue bastard
it work so well the vet love his name
cause it work so well like hue...
hey guys i looking for one but in fiber glass so i cna chnage some stuff around does any one know of any one who makes fiber glass one that is not a pile oh crap
well i used to play but i started back up
and boy did it start bad since i swaped ot diffetn pair of glasses i now have to be stand up player
so it's change so i figured out my issue and i can play well again
any who who here plays pool and what cue do you run
i own these...
well i have bena talking wiht colt cams for my new set of cams i droping into my car 264 and 8.1 lift
and i can get them done for faily cheep i guess like 450 for set of cams ps this is all so cnd not usd
this will require you to send them your core form you head then there shipped...
(((((((((((((((((post 14 for movie))))))))))))))))))))))))))
well the price will be 205 usd
just the stick by it's self i don't have price yet stay tuned.....
the t state spacer i still don't have price yet stay tuned...
for some time now i sean this qestion get poped up here and there but all ways the same thing and relocating the batteri any one can do that no really solved the issue of the back draw in a simple maner with single pull nhra rated switch why don't they make 2 pull i have not a freaking clue...
well I wanted to do this a long time ago but could not find any valves
well I found a set of 1j valves witch should be the same size as the 2j valve?
I know there longer and the keeper slots sit higher but how much I for got ?
I herd some say before stock 7m keeper will not fit I...
Well I want more angle with out ditching the power steering
I made rack beefer and I had to ditch power steering cause I add more notches to the rack it's self built this can't bean done proper with out ditch power assist
here is another fact 88 power rack turn less then 89 plus...
well bean looking to doing this but i have one qestion that has not bean answered or i can not remmber
is the ebrake drum both the same size
cause i looking to add in some more rear brake
thansk dj said he has yet to try
well as some of you guys know I used to have old build thread about my old 86.5 race car she has bean retired
but I now started to graft parts onto the 92 and many are on there just not going let it all slip out yet
I said to my self I would not make build thread but after reading...
i am in the middle of maken mine and have it all figured out and most of it bought
what i am runing is
100 mc aeromotive vavled fule filter
-10 lines
custom sump still in the works
high flow one way cheak vavle
lipp high flow fule rail
a1000 fule reg
855cc injectors...
i find this very simple surpized it took them so long to make it
i have to weight 2 weesk thou tell areomotive sends them out but a last pretty cool no more buy 2 things in stead it comes in one package
well i got one of these in and most of the oil passge is blocked is this norm or is this crap i can't remmber
i don't ahve nice kit off of any thing to compare
cheers thansk
and yes i knwo it's cast
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