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  1. NashMan

    who here has a nice system installed

    well i woke up one day and want a system back in my car and well it happen thouhg lunch breaks ect took about 3 weeks cause of no time what it in cludes power/wire yellow top gold terminles 2 gauge ground for battery shell and block high strand pure copper big body 150 amp alt...
  2. NashMan

    mk3 supra getting the axe oh well every one saw it coming

    well sad to say i killing my old 86.5 race car project i had nice build thread going but every time i look at it it just burning barrel of money it just need to much for me to be happy had it for about 7 years and served me well and tought me alot of things now on with the new i still...
  3. NashMan

    tps qestion are they all the same

    well yae i think they are but not certon cause i have new one for an 88 but i think the 89 plus ones sit diffent then the 88's as in the contacsk if so i can most likly swap the contack arm form one to the other but are they the same and in swap able wiht swaping the contack amr
  4. NashMan

    how many peoepl have a slight miss on there supra aka the fart or the cough

    well i ahve all wasy had one on mine piss's me off both car int he matter of fact i all ready knwo one fo my coisl must be bad cause thsi si just guess thou btu certon of it but again i ave yet to test it lol \ but how many peopel have the fart akak cugh wheil idealing
  5. NashMan

    mk3 hits v tec

    funny and she is hot
  6. NashMan

    Who here is running an MR2 alternator in their car?

    well me new fans are killing me ever so softly so i need a better alt i have bena told since the day i ahve had a supra that the secound gen trubo mr2 alt will fit wiht very littel truble and it is 10 amp more then stock is this ture need to knwo today
  7. NashMan

    power steering idle air control valve ??

    well i have boost leak right now or my afm is bad any way i got rid of all my vsv and e missons and such any way's i was not to sure but does the power streeing ideal air control vavle need a stroung sores of vacume or small like kinda off the thottle body i gonna test it today to...
  8. NashMan

    oem ezeddy clutch

    well i herd that there oem clutch is better then a oem stokcer is this ture the price is pretty big as well this is why i am asking plus i thinki read abotu it some were
  9. NashMan

    cluster swap na volt meater

    well i have a na 89 cluster and here and going to swap the tac off core's but my main qestion and i am pretty sure the na volt meater shoudl work with no problems but i have done this befor but i can't remmber if need to re pin a wire or 2 this going back to when i frist truboped my car...
  10. NashMan

    You will all hate me if i do this

    well some of you gusy know i had 86.5 supra for some time and was doing a big build on it but i kidna lost the will to work on it CUASE OF ONE MAIN RESON a have nice 92 now withc i cna still take to auto x and minin sprints and i ahve had this idea in my head for over 1 year now...
  11. NashMan

    woot woot fixed my front lip today back to new shape

    well when i frist got my car the front lip looked like it was tread liek red head step child so a littel heat gunning hear and there nice shoot's from the air compsre sna bango she is back to norm remmber some time all it take it littel tiem and you have mint lip again instead of...
  12. NashMan

    Bought rain guards but I don't know if they will solve my issue

    the main key thing why i wanted these things was to keep rain form dripping all over my speaker and windows switches on my front panle by looking at them it may not stop this :icon_conf
  13. NashMan

    the the 91 and 92 owners with 6 1/2 half speakers

    any ways i got nice set of speaker form work but the magnet is far to big for the hole what speakers do you run wiht littel to no moddign the crap out of you door for them to fit
  14. NashMan

    my car runs again after a long bhg

    well i am very picky when it comes ot my cars but she runs and looks liek show room and has eghough power for me for a nice daily post pic's later
  15. NashMan

    What is the first thing you do when you have bhg?

    be sides fixing it well for me i pop out the t stat why must you ask, humm makes car run cooler get rid of massize restriction drops pressure in coolent system cause less air pockets cause for the thermosat opening and closieng from air pockets and pressure spikes. old down fall...
  16. NashMan

    ooooooo i hope this work's bbk

    well today we got a car in and i was looking at the brake's and they monted very simluro to the mk3 have 13 inc thick roter as well and are a 4 pot alumin to boot so me being me took the brakes of rotor as well and tested fited them and i was in shock the fucker pretty much fit there...
  17. NashMan

    am i just being picky about my water pump

    well reson i asking this is orderd and oem replacment water pump aka not asin i got a npw whne i open the box i was like oooooooo new then fliped it around to see a donkey piss trubine wheel that is cast and not stamped steel like the asin one i pretty much made up my mind not to...
  18. NashMan

    v12 supra wtf

    they once made some thign diffent once again
  19. NashMan

    to copper spray or not to copper spray

    well i have bean debating this and i still don't know copper spray is wining thou i done this befor on other cars but this is my car so i am kinda undecided ps i used a compsit gasket aka stocker
  20. NashMan

    head height and help me match a color as in color code

    well frist qestion is now i have to find out how much they took of this hea di have here does any one know how tall a stock head is from deck to bottom now thh other qestion does any one know the paint code to the ornage lines on the vavle cover sinc emy vavle cover look good still why...