Search results

  1. benk777

    Ben's 7M Lipp Boss Jr Build

    I plan on setting the boost at 12psi until I decide which avenue to go down for tuning. I should have the rebuilt engine in the car by/around Thanksgiving. She'll probably end up sitting out most of the winter in the garage (the 4Runner get's winter duty). I don't want any moisture and salt...
  2. benk777

    Ben's 7M Lipp Boss Jr Build

    This is the work and parts that are part of my Package 2 rebuild with LOA. Clevite 77 Main Bearings Clevite 77 Rod Bearings ARP Main Stud Kit ARP Rod Bolts Polished Crank Toyota Piston Rings Brass Freeze Plug Kit Fel Pro Gasket Set ARP Head Stud Kit Goodyear Timing Belt Aftermarket...
  3. benk777

    Ben's 7M Lipp Boss Jr Build

    This is my second attempt at a build thread, since I wasn't quite sure of my goals, and what I was going to use to get there in the first thread. Moderators, feel free to delete my first build thread. I purchased my 89 Turbo in July of 08, and it was literally bone stock with 168k on the...
  4. benk777

    450HP 7MGTE SP61GT Build - Need suggestions!

    I just placed a large order with SupraSport. Man, it was sort of scary hitting that last "Confirm Order" button! This is what I'm getting: Lipp Boss Jr. 60-1 with Install kit RC 550 Injectors and clips Spearco replica Oil filter relocation kit ACT HD 6 Puck clutch B&M Oil Cooler NGK...
  5. benk777

    My 7MGTE Plan - Feedback Needed!

    I was able to score a Suprasport Lex AFM body today from another member, so I'll skip the fuel kit and just get the necessary pieces (pump, fpr, 550s). I really should decide on a turbo soon and place an order. I'd like to have everything accumulated by Thanksgiving so that when the rebuild is...
  6. benk777

    My 7MGTE Plan - Feedback Needed!

    The clutch will be replaced with an ACT, just not sure which one. Thoughts on that? Thanks for the feedback! Ben
  7. benk777

    My 7MGTE Plan - Feedback Needed!

    Once my goal is met, I'd like to limit the breakage spending to 1000 per year.
  8. benk777

    My 7MGTE Plan - Feedback Needed!

    The supra is not my dd.
  9. benk777

    My 7MGTE Plan - Feedback Needed!

    My goal is a reliable 400-450 crank hp. is currently rebuilding me a stage 2 7MGTE, which includes MHG. I have a full 3" turbo-back exhaust currently (ebay recirc ddp from 935, test, HKS 75mm twin tip). When Keith swaps my engine in, he is replacing all coolant hoses, and...
  10. benk777

    SP61GT - BB or not?

    I'm really considering the Boss Jr that just came out. Anyone else? Ben
  11. benk777

    why switch to 91-92 dipstick

    I've got an 89 with the stock dipstick, and I hate it. It's the cylinder one with the cross scores in it. Impossible to read. Which one is the flat one with the holes in it, like a regular dipstick? Ben
  12. benk777

    450HP 7MGTE SP61GT Build - Need suggestions!

    I am now considering the Lipp Boss Jr. Check it out! Ben
  13. benk777

    ***The White Supras Thread***

    Whoa Captain, that thing is nice! What lip is that? Ben
  14. benk777

    450HP 7MGTE SP61GT Build - Need suggestions!

    I just sent Pat at Legend of Aces the check for the build, so we should be underway pretty soon! I went with the Package 2 with clear cam gear cover, and the core has a 6M crank. I ordered all new coolant hoses from the Toyota dealership here (Thanks Brad). And I'm hoping that Keith (my...
  15. benk777

    SP61GT - BB or not?

    I plan on upgrading to the SP61GT, but I see there is a BB version as well. Is it worth the extra $800, or will the regular version be just fine? Thanks. Ben
  16. benk777

    ***The White Supras Thread***

    Here are a few. Yeah, I need to lower the current 4x4 status. Working on the engine build first. Ben
  17. benk777

    Quick Help! Any issues with 6M Crank?

    Thanks for the quick help. Let the rebuild begin! Ben
  18. benk777

    Quick Help! Any issues with 6M Crank?

    I'm having rebuild an engine for me, and the 89 core that he has access to has a 6M crank in it. Are there any issues with this? Should I hold off, or is this not a big deal? Thanks. Ben
  19. benk777

    450HP 7MGTE SP61GT Build - Need suggestions!

    I didn't delete anything, and probably don't even have the authority to do so. Ben
  20. benk777

    450HP 7MGTE SP61GT Build - Need suggestions!

    I was joking about the thread jacking! There are some replies that were deleted after my "thread jacking" post, that basically were back and forthing, and ending in someone saying, "what was this thread for anyway". I was adding on to that comment with my "thread jacking" comment. All tongue...