Search results

  1. Reign_Maker

    Florida Gators Nat Champs 41-14 over Ohio!

    Who would have ever guessed it? Go gators!
  2. Reign_Maker

    So, how about a titanium thrust washer?

    I think I can get one made... What do ya think about that?
  3. Reign_Maker

    Vendor sections are now expanded!!!

    Ok you guys... The vendor sections have now been expanded for you all to see who our vendors are... Im happy about this, because I know vendor traffic was down for them when it was collapsed, so the vendors will be happy too... Now, to make the front page not so large, we collapsed the...
  4. Reign_Maker

    ***For ALL your "OFFICIAL" colored Supra needs, click here***

    ***The Official Every Other Color and Wild Paint Scheme Supras Thread*** ***The Official Blue Supras Thread*** ***The Official GREEN Supras Thread*** ***The Official Grey Supras Thread*** ***The Official White Supras Thread*** ***The Official Burgandy Supras Thread*** ***The...
  5. Reign_Maker

    ***The Every Other Color and Wild Paint Scheme Supras Thread***

    There ya go... For all those wild paint jobs, like Jen's pink and black Supra, or off colored ones like that purple one or Turbo Tony's bright orange one... Post up the pics...
  6. Reign_Maker

    Anyone ever fry a turkey?

    Ok, so for thanksgiving we got the big frier and fried our first turkey... It was AWESOME! Best turkey I ever had... Cooked in like 30 minutes, and the meat just fell off the bone... Tamara used one of Emeril's recipes, *BAM!!!* and it was so good, a little spicy like cajun, but just so damn...
  7. Reign_Maker

    Where is stanzaspeed?

    Last Activity: 10-20-2006 03:15 PM Is he ok? Anyone know him IRL?
  8. Reign_Maker

    Please welcome our two newest vendors to Supra Mania!

    First I'd like to welcome TANYA as a vendor... Please show your support by visiting her forum and site... She is a constant source of encouragement for this community, supplying us with cool knick knacks. shirts, hoodies, mugs, etc... What would be a kick ass christmas gift for that supra lover...
  9. Reign_Maker

    Feel like hasslin an ebay seller? This is a good one...

    Normally, I dont mess with sellers, but this is really rather incredible... A member sent me an email asking me if a 20 year old car becomes a classic, does it revert back to its original selling price, because this guy is sellin his Supra saying that it will if its under 30K miles... So I told...
  10. Reign_Maker

    I WINZ! 1000... =)

    I'd like to thank all those that helped me get to the top and beat Yellow, it was a close race... Now I go make a celebratory rummy! WHOO HOO! Jake
  11. Reign_Maker

    Speakin of REP, you rep ho's... How many points do you have?

    Just wondering... ;) Feel free to tell me... :D:D:D
  12. Reign_Maker

    So if you turn the key, and you get nothing... Alarm?

    The red one is doing this... Put the key in, turn it, dash lights come on, bing bing bing bing, all that... Turn the key, and nothing... No click, no turning of the motor, like the starter is killed... Battery is good, has an optima yellow top... Diagnosis?
  13. Reign_Maker


    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNTIL WE CAN GET THE CLOCK FIXED, I LOCKED EVERYTHING!!! ITS MESSING UP ALL THE POSTS!!! SO HANG TIGHT GUYS!!! IM SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE!!! Jake __________________
  14. Reign_Maker


    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNTIL WE CAN GET THE CLCK FIXED< I LOCKED EVERYTHING!!! ITS MESSING UP ALL THE POSTS!!! SO HANG TIGHT GUYS!!! IM SORRY FOR THE INCONVIENANCE!!! Jake __________________
  15. Reign_Maker


    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNTIL WE CAN GET THE CLOCK FIXED, I LOCKED EVERYTHING!!! ITS MESSING UP ALL THE POSTS!!! SO HANG TIGHT GUYS!!! IM SORRY FOR THE INCONVIENANCE!!! Jake __________________
  16. Reign_Maker


    Its messing up all the threads... Stop posting! The clock is messed up and until we can get one of the admins to lock this down and fix it, stop posting!!!
  17. Reign_Maker

    Here is a pic HellsLegion, Stanza and Yellow13 will LOVE! ewww!

    Sorry guys, but I thought you first when I saw this on another site, so I had to share... :love:
  18. Reign_Maker

    Ron R. FFI long runner style and your alternator...

    Can someone post a pic of their alternator installed with a Ron R ffi long runner style? I was looking at it the other day when putting it together, and I cant seem to figure out how to tighten the tension for the belt... Also, does the stock belt work, or will I need a different size...