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  1. Reign_Maker

    Quick, O2 bung question, hurry, LOOOOOK!

    All right, Im out of time... I bought my AEM wieband, but it STILL isnt here, and I have no more time to wait... So, what do you do when you need something and cant get it... You MAKE it... OK, Im making an O2 bung today outta stainless, and I need to know the thread pitch and NPT size...
  2. Reign_Maker

    Dont let people use yur shit: and why I hate computers...

    This morning, my comp worked... I leave, let my new roomie use my comp, come home it doesnt work... :icon_evil "I just went to a few sites" :3d_frown: Jesus... :1zhelp: Any clue what it could be? Here are the symptoms as I can see: comp wont turn on... Looks like its in sleep mode...
  3. Reign_Maker

    Good bartender and mix'd drink sites...

    I saw a site once where you can enter in a bunch of ingredients you have around the house, and then it would kick out a list of drinks you could make with what you have... Does anyone know of this site or a similar one? Or any good bartender sites for good drinks... Thanks.. :1zhelp:
  4. Reign_Maker

    I have computer question for computer people...

    When I scroll up or down a page, instead of the page moving fluidly, it pulses... That make sense? Like sections move up, then the next section catches up... Is this an easy fix? Something with settings?
  5. Reign_Maker

    Rate the avatar above you...

    Simple... 0-10 plus a little comment... What do you think of the avatar of the person above you? :naughty:
  6. Reign_Maker

    Last one: Chickity China, the Chinese Chicken!

    Im not drunk, I SWEAR! But this shit is just too funny not to share!
  7. Reign_Maker

    Butt plug? *dont worry, its not NWS*

    How many times can you say butt plug to a walmart employee? :biglaugh:
  8. Reign_Maker

    OMG! This poor poor girl... If I didnt laugh so hard, I'd feel bad...

    First wanna thank BuckShotGlass for the link to this site, and when I heard this, I had to share with the rest of the car people here... Click the Launch This File By Clicking Here and enjoy!
  9. Reign_Maker

    What do ya do when that plastic thing that holds the wires near the cams breaks?*pic*

    You have a custom piece made, of course... :D:D:D
  10. Reign_Maker

    Im thinking about using GM SynchroMesh in my tranny...

    Yes? No? Maybe so? Good idea? Bad idea? Waste of money?
  11. Reign_Maker

    Will a motor rust on the inside?

    I was just lookin at my NA... It blew its hg about 2 years ago in my driveway... I was goin out and just starting it and lettin it run to keep the batt goin and the oil flowin, and one day, POOF, at idle, the hg went out... *bastard* So I was thinking, I could get this thing runnin in a...
  12. Reign_Maker

    Auto trans wiring harness on a 5 speed...

    Ok, so I ditched my hacked up wiring harness for a "new to me" one... Never realized there was a big difference in the auto vs. 5sp harnesses until today... Well, I knew there was, but figured it was in the end that goes to the ECUs... Today I put my tranny in, I go to plug up the clips, and...
  13. Reign_Maker

    20psi on pump gas, if you dont know, dont answer...

    This is a pretty serious question, so if you dont know, dont answer... If you "think" dont answer... If you knew a guy that knew a guy, dont answer... If you've never personally done it, or dont have a clue, dont answer, I'll just delete your post... You guys are fairly familiar with my...
  14. Reign_Maker

    Do you have a Greddy Turbo Timer?

    If you do, can you help me? There is a little two pin plug, one wire is red I believe and the other wire is purple... Where does the purple wire go?
  15. Reign_Maker

    ECU pig tail plug... What is it?

    Pulled my pre-89 m/t ECU out to install my AEM, and I noticed something... I has a pig tail plug coming off of it... Whatis that for? Because I dont have any extra plugs under there... When I installed the AEM, all the plugs were used... So I was wondering, is this for if you have an auto...
  16. Reign_Maker

    Best place to get stainless tubing? And let me add aluminized to that as well, lol...

    OK, following the lines of my quest for exhaust piping, where can I find stainless at a good price? I need the hook up... Dont say Burns, that place has ridiculous pricing... *$114 for a 3.5" U-bend with 6" legs, jesus... So, does anyone have the hook up on 3.5" stainless?
  17. Reign_Maker

    Galvanized exhaust?

    yes no maybe so?
  18. Reign_Maker

    Exhaust pipe thickness...

    Im goin with 3.5" stainless exhaust... How thick should I get the steel? 16ga, 14ga or 11ga? *.065", .083" and .120"* The price difference per foot: $13.30, $19.20 and $21.70 *respectively*
  19. Reign_Maker

    Anyone use this body kit, or ever seen it on a Supra?

    I saw this the other day... Its not bad... You can get one for less than $200... But I dont think I've ever seen it on a Supra... Its a Versus kit...
  20. Reign_Maker

    I have a question about the alternator plug in the back...

    Ok, I dont have one... *plug for the back* It was hacked off by one of the previous owners... In its place are three idividual "plugs" soldered to teh wires... These plugs fit snugly over the metal prongs on the alternator... Now my question is, does it matter which wire is connected to which...