Search results

  1. Reign_Maker

    How big are pre89 motor mounts?

    Just wondering if anyone has the dimensions for 87 7M motor mounts... I need them, bad... Today, Im so bummed... We set the motor in, and the mounts are TOO long, so the engine wont sit in the cradle, so I had to pull it out, and Im having the mounts machined down, but I need to know how much to...
  2. Reign_Maker

    So you say you want twin SUPERchargers? SWEET!

    OK then.. Never say it CANT be done...
  3. Reign_Maker

    Is anyone using this battery? *batt experts input appreciated* Its an Odyssey PC680... Its really small... Im thinking about trying this for my FFI set up... I just dont know about cranking amps, accesories and longevity and all... A local guy has one in his MKIV, but I dont know if any...
  4. Reign_Maker

    Can you install injectors upside down?

    Ok, when I installed my injectors, I did so with the clips facing down, because I didnt want the wires looping over the top of my fuel rail, trying to make it look clean... Will this be a problem?
  5. Reign_Maker

    NGK NTK Wide Band Powerdex AFX Wideband... Anyone use it?

    Wondering any opinions on this wideband... I've found them for about $250 with everything... Are they compadible with AEM?
  6. Reign_Maker

    Anyone ever try this FMIC?

    Looks nice... Price is nice... Would be a good option for those not running a FFI... I just thought I'd throw this out there since I was looking at thier pipe, I saw this and thought someone may like it...
  7. Reign_Maker

    Hey, what the hell do I do with this overflow bottle?

    So I was messin with my radiator overflow tank, I dunno where to put it... You guys with the big FMICs, where did you mount your overflow tank? You know what else I was thinking, what if I just got a smaller, maybe polished overflow tank that would fit, but then I was thinking, that overflow...
  8. Reign_Maker

    Need some advice on mounting locations for this Aeromotive fuel pump

    I am about to mount up this pump, and I have been trying to figure out where to mount it... I have a sump being welded in right now, and I was thinking about mounting the pump upside down on the bottom of the hatch floor under the car, there is just enough space between the gas tank and the rear...
  9. Reign_Maker

    Hey, I like the flag thing we have...

    This been posted? Ive been seein flags under people's avatars, and I was like, I want one, so I put in Scotland, and now I have a dope little scottish flag... I wish it was the old skool Scotland flag, but I still like it... :)
  10. Reign_Maker

    TX2K7... Post up all your pics and vids...

    And funny stories too... :)
  11. Reign_Maker

    I'm going to need help with this AEM...

    *ok, I have been trying to post this in the Piggyback Engine Management forum, but, for some reason nothing I post there is showing up, so... I post here* Just wondering if there are any people on here that are using the AEM that wouldnt mind me picking thier brain for a few... Im getting...
  12. Reign_Maker

    Info and write up on oil and water lines...

    Im in that position to plumb my water and oil lines for the turbo... I know there are alot of you gus running DBB and/or oil & water cooled turbos... Im trying to figure out what fittings I need to go directly from the block for oil feed and the water neck for water... And what size fittings I...
  13. Reign_Maker

    Looking for fan options other than stock or electric...

    Look guys, I need some advice, some input, some options... I have a pretty motor, with a fat ugly dirty fan on it... I dont wanna go electric, so Im wondering if anyone has any ideas for a nice trick fan... Its gotta move enough air, at least as well as the factory fan... Has anyone done this...
  14. Reign_Maker

    PROUD TO WELCOME OUR NEWEST VENDOR!!! A lot of you have dealt with Andy *arz* through his many misc vendor deals, from billet fittings to awesome BBKs... We feel that he is a worthy vendor for the community, providing unique parts, and excellent customer service... Arz...
  15. Reign_Maker

    Anyone have pics of the plugs in the front of the car?

    Ive been cleaning up the wiring in the front of the car, and I have a some mystery plugs... Oh, and I have two mystery wires, one is white the other is blue, and they are both heavy gauge... I have a pic of the wires I'll attach... I determined where most of the plugs go, but I have one on each...
  16. Reign_Maker

    I have a question about optima batteries...

    I searched, so meh... I have a blue top optima... Its suppose to be for boats and water craft... Can I use it in the supra? Yes no? Why or why not? And if it helps, the battery is going in the back... Thanks, Jake
  17. Reign_Maker

    Ideas for my fuel system: sump the tank, aditional intank pump?

    Today I pulled my fuel tank out... Im trying to figure out what I wanna do for my fuel system... I have an Aeromotive A1000 external... My old set up was using a Bosche external pump and a stock in tank fuel pump... ************ Allow me to take a moment to make a note here... Ladies and...
  18. Reign_Maker

    I lost my keys... damn... Now what?

    So yeah, the silver car has been down so long, I dont knwo where the hell the keys went... How effed up is that? I've moved, so they could be in boxes or lost, I dunno... And I never really even thought about it until I made that for sale thread, and I have my ecu for sale, so yesterday, i was...
  19. Reign_Maker

    Are you interested in a crate 350 SBC w/ cams, flat head & BIG 4bbl 88 MKIII Floriduh

    Saw this today... Its really interesting how well a 350 will drop in... Its using the stock motor mount locations, no real modification there... Interior is blue leather, VERY preserved... White, needs some paint... Driver fender needs some work, small dent... Hard top... Originally an NA... So...
  20. Reign_Maker

    Do they REALLY shave pistons to lower compression?

    Ok, look, Im TRYIN not to be hard on this particular member, but we've bumped horns a little bit in the for sale section, and now, the guy is selling some pistons that his "brother" told him have been shaved down, so now they arent the stock 8.5:1 but now are 8.2:1... I've never heard of anyone...