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  1. terror

    Team TERROR

    a little drifting heres the thread for more video clips
  2. terror

    in car drift

    its on flamingo and Ft apache MOAR DORIFTU!!!!
  3. terror

    in car drift

    me being stupid in an underground parkinglot with the mkiii, 1:14 is the best drift
  4. terror

    TRD Parts for MKIII

    ya, does anyone know whats different about the TRD lsd?
  5. terror

    vegas shops

    boosthard, ever get your problem fixed?, soo who here has a running mkiii
  6. terror

    vegas shops

    ya, up until now i didnt even know there were other las vegas members on this forum
  7. terror

    vegas shops

    theres meets every thursday at the in and out on sahara with the occasional mkiv but the majority are just subies and evos, we should definitely organize an mkiii meet though
  8. terror

    vegas shops

    hmm i didnt know there were so many of us down here
  9. terror

    Sold my 1JZ yesterday - STOP: bimmertime

    if you dont mind me asking, how much did you let the car go for?
  10. terror

    vegas shops i think i might have seen your car around town
  11. terror

    1JZ Y-Pipe: Recommendations?

    im running the hks y-pipe but im not sure if it will fit twins
  12. terror

    Team TERROR

  13. terror

    Team TERROR

    finally got the car washed and took it to the red rock scenic drive weird little clip [URL=]
  14. terror

    The 9k build

    dude, that blows im sorry . at least those tail light covers are gone. jk
  15. terror

    Team TERROR

    yea the mount i have now also are insulated but im sure the rad is touching something because im getting a .30 voltage reading, ill fix it asap. thanks alot for the heads up though.
  16. terror

    Team TERROR

    hmmm thanks for the tip, ill try it out asap. btw is there anything about my car that screams galvanic corrosion?
  17. terror

    Team TERROR

    i believe LEXEL makes them , they need a wash too they are turning grey :( ill take a close up pic when i wash em yup yup i believe they were orginally soapras, but he sold em to the dude i bought my car from, they are a pretty rare kit and it is kinda hard to find any info about em online, i...
  18. terror

    Team TERROR

    thanks for all the comments, here's a bit of an update, finally got up pictures of the JVTR rad installed but the engine bay definitely needs to be cleaned up and the car too ill try to keep the updates coming
  19. terror

    I think dark blue supras are rare LOL

    pretty much the only picture i have of my car
  20. terror

    Team TERROR

    engine pics , i should be installing the new rad some time this week, and i need a coilpack cover :( just came in