ok i got my solid motor mounts in the mail , but i cant take off the remainder of the old motor mount, the top bolt just wont budge, any tips for gettin it off?
so i was at a friends house showin him the supra and we take of in 1st and as soon as it hits 14psi i hear a few creak/snaps then it sounds like i ran over a rock, i pull over and find one of my engine mounts snapped off and is 100 feet behind the car:cry: :aigo: anyone know what could have...
today i was testing out my new e-fans and radiator set up and as soon as i boosted my targa flew 10 feet in the air :cry: i forgot to bolt it down, now its warped and has all kinds of scratches :cry::cry::cry:
ok so i finally got a compression test done, the results are 125 105 105 112 124 144. this seems a little low to me, anyone know the manufacture thresholds? maybe its time to do 1.5jz...
i will try to make a video in the next couple days and post it,ill also get a compression test outta the way by the weekend thanks for all the help. the smoke however smells bitterish burnt, not sweet
So i raced my friends silvia the other day and afterwards in a parking lot i noticed my car would shoot out a puff of white smoke if i rev'ed it really quick and let go. i didnt think too much of it as the car still drives almost perfect but its still doing it and i thought maybe one of the...
i can still run the 1j ecu? no problems mounting or hookin it up to the r154 . what do you mean by coolant pipe, do both of them not hook up? thanks alot.
so ive been searchin for a while and ive came up dry but i was wondering what is all needed to swap a 1jz to 1.5jz other than the 2jz block. i think my 1jz's about to poop on me:3d_frown: any help is appreciated thanks.
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