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  1. mk3tattoos

    Can't find replacement o2 sensor for 1jz??

    Here is what is doing, but now it's able to idle and not die. The ecu is learning, but found that there are a couple leaky capacitors:/ so I'll fix that ASAP! The af's will go from normal to rich very time I touch the gas. It's does sometimes hold a normal cruising af ratio. When I got into...
  2. mk3tattoos

    Can't find replacement o2 sensor for 1jz??

    Thank you 525gte for help on the phone!!!! We should have it running in no time:)
  3. mk3tattoos

    Can't find replacement o2 sensor for 1jz??

    The car will hardly hold a idle, when I plug and unplug the o2 there is no change
  4. mk3tattoos

    Can't find replacement o2 sensor for 1jz??

    Ok, mods are mk4 550's, safc 2, walbro, Innovate wb, mines tuned ecu for 550's, single turbo DM kit.
  5. mk3tattoos

    Can't find replacement o2 sensor for 1jz??

    Can you confirm that part number to be the right sensor for me please?
  6. mk3tattoos

    Can't find replacement o2 sensor for 1jz??

    AF is rich off the chart. I just reversed colors, cause the 1j had two blacks one white and the 5.0 had two whites one black:/ I never reset the ecu either, so I will have to do that:) thanks for responding so quick!!!
  7. mk3tattoos

    Can't find replacement o2 sensor for 1jz??

    Wired up the 5.0 sensor and it did not work:/ any other ideas? I think I'm just going to weld the stock one back in some how! I waited two months to get my car back and then I find out this
  8. mk3tattoos

    Can't find replacement o2 sensor for 1jz??

    Damn!! I wish I could, my car is still at the shop getting some custom stuff done to it:) should be ready by the 17th😁
  9. mk3tattoos

    alignment issues

    Great info
  10. mk3tattoos

    Can't find replacement o2 sensor for 1jz??

    Oh that's cool, you will have to come to one of are meets in Tacoma:) we have some here in Bremerton too, but not many:/ or if you want a tattoo you can come get some ink:) look up Gary Graves tattoos.
  11. mk3tattoos

    Can't find replacement o2 sensor for 1jz??

    Ok great!! I didn't have time to hook it up today, I had to load the supra on the trailer and take it down to Finish Line to complete everything there:) I'll post back here as soon I a hook it up in the next day or two. And thanks for the quick responses and great help!!!
  12. mk3tattoos

    Can't find replacement o2 sensor for 1jz??

    Is the two white wires for the heater and ground, and the black one is the sensor?
  13. mk3tattoos

    Can't find replacement o2 sensor for 1jz??

    Ok I got the mustang o2 sensor, going to wire it up and see if it work
  14. mk3tattoos

    Rear Coolant Hardpipe Leak?

    I did this on my last 7m motor and it worked great!!!
  15. mk3tattoos

    Braking in oil

    When can he switch to full synthetic? Great info BTW!!!! Thanks
  16. mk3tattoos


    I might have to go see him soon!!!!
  17. mk3tattoos

    Can't find replacement o2 sensor for 1jz??

    Sorry been at work all day:/ thanks for all the responses and help!! It is the DM down pipe and is 18mm sorry:/ and yes those bottom two spots are useless:( I have an innavate WB and an EGT sensor to hook up as well, so I will have to have other ones welded down 16" safely away from the turbo...
  18. mk3tattoos

    Can't find replacement o2 sensor for 1jz??

    So I'm not able to use the stock o2 sensor on the down pipe I have for the single turbo. It is the 16mm screw in type, and every parts store I go to is not able to help me find what I need. Can some one tell me were I can get one or what I need to ask for. Thanks so much!!!!!
  19. mk3tattoos

    CajunKenny's Build Thread

    Hahaha, I remember that motor!!!! It ended up being a small world and some crack heads didn't even know what they had and sold it for hella cheap:)