Here is what is doing, but now it's able to idle and not die. The ecu is learning, but found that there are a couple leaky capacitors:/ so I'll fix that ASAP! The af's will go from normal to rich very time I touch the gas. It's does sometimes hold a normal cruising af ratio.
When I got into...
AF is rich off the chart. I just reversed colors, cause the 1j had two blacks one white and the 5.0 had two whites one black:/ I never reset the ecu either, so I will have to do that:) thanks for responding so quick!!!
Wired up the 5.0 sensor and it did not work:/ any other ideas? I think I'm just going to weld the stock one back in some how! I waited two months to get my car back and then I find out this
Oh that's cool, you will have to come to one of are meets in Tacoma:) we have some here in Bremerton too, but not many:/ or if you want a tattoo you can come get some ink:) look up Gary Graves tattoos.
Ok great!! I didn't have time to hook it up today, I had to load the supra on the trailer and take it down to Finish Line to complete everything there:) I'll post back here as soon I a hook it up in the next day or two. And thanks for the quick responses and great help!!!
Sorry been at work all day:/ thanks for all the responses and help!!
It is the DM down pipe and is 18mm sorry:/ and yes those bottom two spots are useless:( I have an innavate WB and an EGT sensor to hook up as well, so I will have to have other ones welded down 16" safely away from the turbo...
So I'm not able to use the stock o2 sensor on the down pipe I have for the single turbo. It is the 16mm screw in type, and every parts store I go to is not able to help me find what I need.
Can some one tell me were I can get one or what I need to ask for. Thanks so much!!!!!
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