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  1. S

    My 1JZ Thread - trials and Tribulations

    You, Here you go ! Map sensor (1JZ) 89420-24040 Map sensor (2JZ) 89421-12111 and then some :
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    1jz/2jz pics

    I agree..if you are hustling daily for the ain't rich...and If I was rich........then...:biglaugh:
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    2007 supra

    I wonder how you know about that lololol:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :aigo: :aigo:
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    1jz/2jz pics

    He used to be. Now he is as broke as we all are, maybe even more after completing his 1jz... lol:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
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    ChrisO, stop the pranks please !!!

    Here ya its in your neighbourhood Chris
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    Took some pictures the other day

    Awesome shots. Looking good man.
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    tacho needle

    I thinks it is just off. You won't get correct readin . Yo ucan open it and move it to zero.My speedo sits below zero and it reads 10 miles slower than what I am actually doing.
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    Just Another Rebuild

    lol, it came in a plastic bag with handles??? lol .. Nice looking tranny man.
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    Difference between a 91 and 92.

    It would be realy desirable if it had a Factory Sunroof. Only 92s came with the Shadow grey/Black interior.
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    My 1JZ Thread - trials and Tribulations

    Yes, I use the 6097s gapped to 28/26 and no problems whatsoever. And they are cheap as well. :) I also only use the Toyota 7m filter I get at the dealer.
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    Whats wrong with my clutch?

    I think it already has a spec clutch. I heard it Spec clutches like to crap out occasionaly
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    hydro clutch fan

    You should locate the wires mentioned near lower radiator or a plug hanging from there. ( kind of roundish) Hydrofan ecu is located near your ECU under the glove box.
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    hydro clutch fan

    Yes it is. It will spin all the time at a constant speed, but as soon as the temp sensor is hooked up and the wiring is all correct with the fan ECU, that fan speed will increase and you will definitely feel a very strong amount of air in the engine bay. Its a ig difference after the ecu is...
  14. S

    hydro clutch fan

    Yes, it tells the hydro fan when to increase/decrease pressure/speed via the solenoid. if the hydrofan setuo is in use, then it must be plugged in or else your car will heat up on long drives and uphill situations.
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    Whats wrong with my clutch?

    I think that clutch you have in there is brand new. That is Ken's car right? Ken had put in a brand new clutch if I remember correctly
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    Paint & Interior DONE!!!!

    No matter how controversial a paint scheme maybe for some, if it is done tastefully, and nicely, it look good, and yours does look good. I like :)
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    MAFT-Pro Tuning Thread Unofficial and Uncensored

    Chris, Change tuning shops. Sorry couldn't make it, but I was dying to know how you did.
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    My 1JZ Thread - trials and Tribulations

    I agree on both : 7m filters and the stock location is very easy to change the oil filter from
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    hydro clutch fan

    The p[oint is, we were discussing automotive electric fans vs Hydro fan. Why in the world would you start bringing Locomotive Engines in this discussion? This is not a Locomotive forums.......its a Supra forum = cars. No sense discussing Locomotive engines in a 1jz / SUpra thread dude.