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    My 1JZ Thread - trials and Tribulations

    What year cars are you guys putting the 1jz in? IF you guys get stuck, we can always look at our setup and tell you exactly where what goes...I know I will :)
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    MOES's Bigger is better > SWAP

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    My 1JZ Thread - trials and Tribulations

    if you look at the tranny, its near the tailshaft, there is a small cap in the r-154 if that is what you are using. U will need to remove that cap and bolt the rear speed sensor on. This will be located on the left hand side if you are looking from the back end of the tranny. THe...
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    Kyle's Real build thread!

    Wait...didn't I mention Vacuum leaks on the phone as well?? :( You need to listen to MR.Miyagi..youg grasshopper!!!! :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
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    Kyle's Real build thread!

    I think your car went online and read all the threads that you made/posted about it being shitty and you wanting to get another car. Now it is all butt hurt and is giving you a hard time...Maybe you should make out with her and she just might drop her idle..and all the issues.....dang..your car...
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    OMG you guys is this guy on crack or what

    I agree. We always want our cars to stand out, and this is a great example. That guy has a rare one and is maintained fanatically, what else you want. That is abeautiful car..and a very good upkeep of it. I hope it sells at a high price. That car is complete with an excellent history.
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    New Toys!

    Shadow grey inserts are darker than that grey. Those look more like the 91s interior. But I thibk these were also labelled as Shadow grey
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    Head Gaskit and studs vs. bolts

    Paradise racing sells the Cometic HG. They are very good.
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    Just Another Rebuild

    Very nice : Aren't they supposed to be like a harsh ride? or are these the ones that are hella low...
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    Haltech E11-V2 on 1JZ-GTE

    Sputtering like mISfire? Maybe the signal from your Cam position sensors are not coming in good?
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    go 2jz...........................................because 1jz has no torque.... lol there, i have spoken... lol I think the best thing you can do is to get that car up and running at least in its full 1jz you had planned it ..
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    Need help, I'm stump on something simple...

    When I get home ...I will take a more detailed picture and post it up...
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    Need help, I'm stump on something simple...

    lol, it actually mounts on the firewall opposite it. behind the fuse box.
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    Need help, I'm stump on something simple...

    Mark, Maybe this will help a bit . Don't have my car at work today..but this should give u some idea :
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    So do you jam music while tearing your MKIII apart?

    Imagine me with dreads... lol....that is the funniest shit...:biglaugh:
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    ording a 1jz

    What kinda of car its going in? The best thing to do if you are putting it in a SUPRA/MKIII is to get a half cut and that will cover most of the stuff you need. Just don't expect to pay anywhere near 800 dollars for it. IF it is going in a car other than a MKIII, then you should be okay with a...
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    question on cam gears and spark plugs?

    Non Platinum. Copper plugs are a lot better in my opinion. I Use the 6097s gapped to around 26-28 thou. and they work very well. I believe these are step colder as well.
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    My BPU'd 1jz swap/build thread....

    Nice work. I bet you can't wait :). lol, neither can we to have one more 1jz to oogle at.. :):biglaugh: