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  1. S

    MOES's Bigger is better > SWAP

    wtf? You want to come over and I am supposed to call Kyle for you ? lol :biglaugh: ...just come by ... like I said.. I'll be home working ,,,, or maybe done by then.. haha:biglaugh: :naughty:
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    MOES's Bigger is better > SWAP

    He should wear one too.... lol:biglaugh: :biglaugh:
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    MOES's Bigger is better > SWAP

    Just drop by anytime after 2:30 pm on those days..Mr. big Wang Bandit .. lol Call me if you are coming over...
  4. S

    2JZ Wiring - Routing

    Yeah..I have that same turbo. Looks pretty darn good to me. I am sure it will perform well for my needs.
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    MOES's Bigger is better > SWAP

    Well...........getting pretty close here: Got most of my stuff on Saturday to finish the project: One Piece Steel Driveshaft from JawsGear - Man what a difference in weight this is compared to the stocker. Wiring Harness and ECU - :) Thanks Jeff @ Jawsgear Harness - extended and ready...
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    Just Another Rebuild

    Ths is what happens when you don't tighten the hose clamps....stop acting like Boris... lol :biglaugh:
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    2JZ Wiring - Routing

    Yes, I have three wires going to the fuse box/first plug at the bottom of the fuse box from drivers side. Black/red, Black/orange , Black/yellow. These are all power wires....I can check when i get home after work and post if you need.
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    2JZ Wiring - Routing

    Sweet ! guys thanks. I think Crazysupra and I are both usig the same turbo setup. Mine is temporary until turbo blows then I will get something nicer. I hope to keep the engine bay clean as well... lol
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    2JZ Wiring - Routing

    Yeah all the extension is done. Iam more interested to see how all the engine bay wires were routed. I think I iwll separate some plugs and then route like stock wiring...
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    2JZ Wiring - Routing

    Hello, Can some of you guys/gals who have gone through a 2JZGTE Swap in ther MKIII's post pictures of your wiring harness routing please. I am using Aristo Harness. I need to get some ideas on how to route mine for best looks and functionality. I have removed most of the hard plastic casings...
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    Major HEAT!

    Exhaust shield missing near that area? Exhasut pipng touching the body???
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    Just Another Rebuild

    VIC? De he change his name as well?? lol
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    Just Another Rebuild

    Your neighbourhood was burning today ...... I went to pick up some goodies.... :) Great to hear the car does it feel to be back with a turbo...
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    Just Another Rebuild

    But you should have 100 AMP ALT fuse in its place. Check that if you are not getting ignition power....
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    I need a new headunit!

    I have that and I love it. Very good video quality and sound I also like the Pioneer ones.
  16. S

    santa gave me a visit

    I tell ya man...have you been sleeping with Santa???? he hooked ya up... lololol What is the scoop on your blown turbo....this ones looks blinging....nice job man.
  17. S

    2JZ - Hoses

    For those who did the 2JZGTE swap into the mkIII, what yr hoses did you buy to raplace the Radiator hoses - upper and lower? Also, The oil feed hole - What is the fitting that I need ? What size thread and what not. Oil Drain - what fitting did you use here? For a Journal Bearing...
  18. S

    Some pics of my Car, Good Cam/Bad user ~56K NO~

    Question is, Whose Ass? And how do you know? lol