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  1. S

    introducing myself so i dont get deleted

    well...welcome. Where in Modesto..I'm always up by that way visiting family. 1992 Supras are just awesome...those who have never own it..should try it once. I've done it four time : ) lol. twice with black and twice with teal lol but look at all the old men ... coming out in numbers lol
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    ***The Teal Supras Thread***

    we should, There are two of them on my driveway same year, same options except one is now 5speed 1.5jz instead of the 7mgte/auto :biglaugh:
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    Not just another TEAL!

    Awesome man. Looks real nice and good you chose to paint the coil pack cover same as the car. Did you paint the engine bay as well? Mine is close to that shine after I cleaned and waxed it lol. I like this very much. Nice work.
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    International talk like a Pirate day.

    aye aye captain...
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    My Mates 26b quad rotor :)

    bloody awesome man. Thats some nice engineering work. Sounds nice too.
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    Got no RPM and water

    you should run a wire directly from the check connector tach signal to the black wire of the tach on the M1 connector. I am able to run my tach this way for my setup. This will give you an idea if the tach signal is coming though all the way pr not. For the water temp gauge, do the same...
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    supra pic update (56k Kill)

    very nice clean up. Nice paint.
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    The Torqueless 1j!

    Nice HP finally..but sucks on that torque numbers. It would be a blast if they were close together :) . Well done Eric...
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    steering wheel shaking a little

    Low air n one wheel as well can cause that too.
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    2JZ not fitting in engine bay? Bonnet too low

    the 1998 isolators are what most of us use here as well, even for the 1JZ swaps.
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    2JZ not fitting in engine bay? Bonnet too low

    I never had any issues whatsoever. I had a single on mine though, but I also know of guys who have twins and the bonnet closes fine.
  12. S

    Replace Green Loctite or use FPIG on Oilpan Bolts?

    That is my favourite. I don't use anything else. This thing is so good it mends hoses too lol.
  13. S

    Aristo ECU? help me out guys!, 2jzgte ECU?

    yeah there were definite changes in the part numbers for the Aristo ECUs. Depending on the harness you have , you will need to get the correct ecu ofcourse. It maybe an Aristo one but from different year : JZS147 jzs161 - VVTI
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    high idle... don't really know why

    I also suggest that you loosen the throttle cable fully and give it as much slack as possible, this will make the throttle close as much as it can, then adjust from there. Once all vacum hoses are routed and or plugged properly, the idle should settle. I had the same problem at my first start.
  15. S

    getting ready for vegas!

    woo nice....your boss is a very bad influence on you!!! lol
  16. S

    high idle... don't really know why

    How do you have the ISC port hooked up? Most people put a filter there. If it is not covered by a filter or routed back into the intake piping ( air filter housing, your car will idle high. IF you completely block it, your car will stall.
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    ...Aaaaaaand i'm back! 89 Mahogany Pearl *pics*

    Nice buy. Where in the Bay???
  18. S

    Need help with wiring nightmare!

    Brown plug = vsv ( connects under the Intake manifold lower runner ) The Black/red spliced wires, I would tape them up and insulate them immediately. That is a factory splice and I'm quite positive that's a hot wire. Last green plug = EGR as ILIKECARS pointed out
  19. S

    '92 Teal Metallic Turbo Build.

    yeah in my other teal one, Im running a 7m from a 88 Supra. It has the crank as stated by Grim and labelled 6m as well. Nice Teal car by the way. I alsso had some wirring hack jobs under the dash
  20. S

    New to Supras, but not to SM.

    lol...finally the confusion ends...about the SSSC lol