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  1. flight doc89

    80's all over again

    if the article is true, then yes. It's printed by Central Connecticut State University. Reading the article, since the hummer is expected to last 3x longer than a Prius, the Hummer also costs like 30 cents less per mile than a Prius. Just read the article :) It really deserves its own thread...
  2. flight doc89

    80's all over again
  3. flight doc89

    GT35R + 19 PSI = 820 rwhp...a Mustang story with love for the 2JZGTE

    heavy, yes, but filled with luxury? MA70's don't even have cupholders, lol :biglaugh:
  4. flight doc89

    New lesson learned

    lol, thank you :)
  5. flight doc89

    LOOKING FOR PICTURE OF MK3 W/ weld pro-stars

    is it missing something (engine, cylinder head, something heavy)? may just be me, but the front looks a little high
  6. flight doc89

    Grrrr! Can someone get rid of this Minivan?

    don't forget to get rid of the minivans reflection in the backglass
  7. flight doc89

    for those that don't know me

    Welcome to the forums! Pic's are a must :)
  8. flight doc89

    What happened?

    htf is oil dripping from the rear? only hoses back there are brakes???
  9. flight doc89

    If you had 20 some odd grand.. mk4 or mk3? or mr2?

    well, i've changed my mind a little. I just got a busted ass '83 rx-7 for $500, soooo, how about $4500 for miscelaneaous(i can't spell so stfu) stuff like suspension, wheels, r-comps, interior work, maybe a little CF induced weight reduction, then $15,000 on a Periph-port supercharged 12A? i...
  10. flight doc89

    Guess who just got their credit card number stolen?

    heh, few months ago, we got a call from Discover, "Are you in Argentina right now?" "No, i just answered my Alabama phone, why?" "Someone in Argentina is trying to charge $13,000 to your account" Thanks for the call, Discover :)
  11. flight doc89

    If you had 20 some odd grand.. mk4 or mk3? or mr2?

    mmmmm, AW-11 then build a supercharged 3S for the bitch
  12. flight doc89

    Rear No.1 Control Arm problem

    I can cut the cam-bolt and the arm would drop down at that end. If i cut the bolt in the wheel assembly, the arm would drop out, but the bolt would still be frozen in the assembly. When i get a chance to drive back home, i'm gonna heat it with an oxy/acetylene torch, and go from there.
  13. flight doc89

    Rear No.1 Control Arm problem

    Well, i got the sleeves machined, but i have a new problem: I got the first arm on, but when i went to work on the other arm, BOTH bolts are frozen. The cam-bolt is frozen in the bushing, and the mount-bolt at the wheel end is stuck in the mount. I've heated them, soaked them with...
  14. flight doc89

    Rear No.1 Control Arm problem

    I am trying to install the adjustable toe kit from A-1 Racing on my 88 supra. This kit replaces the no. 1 control arms (the round arm with the mount for the sway bar). The arm has a metal bushing on the frame end that the cam bolt goes through, but the bolt won't fit through the bushing. The end...
  15. flight doc89

    AutoX Set up

    toe-in in the rear? my car understeers bad enough already......
  16. flight doc89


    Those two don't go together. Before you push big boost, you need the supporting mods (and prolly a built engine, depending on how much boost), which will run the price tag up just as high, unless lifespan has no meaning to you. (Power) divided by (price of that power) equals (wear-and-tear...
  17. flight doc89

    So my head is cracked

    don't worry, if it is cracked, all that carbon will seal it :P take it to teh machine shop