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  1. flight doc89

    boy this saddens me...

    hmm, now wheres that video of a Talon on the dyno that threw a rod through the block into the cockpit....
  2. flight doc89

    boy this saddens me...

    All i need to know is they destroyed a running motor for nothing.
  3. flight doc89

    boy this saddens me...

    what car?
  4. flight doc89

    man cuts off his own penis

    now, time to scour the net for his pic and photochop it :)
  5. flight doc89

    man cuts off his own penis

    me no clicky either
  6. flight doc89

    Nice Stang

    mmmmm, chassis flex, yummy
  7. flight doc89

    Anyone get the new Pokemon?

    soo, uhh, who wants to battle me on Pokemon blue?
  8. flight doc89

    Wellp, I'm Outta The Supra Game

    meh, e30 is where it's at :) QFT
  9. flight doc89

    Would you travel and pay to goto a large LAN party

    i'd do it and pay like 5, maybe 10 bucks, but nuthin more (unless there was a realllly good prize)
  10. flight doc89

    Anyone get the new Pokemon?

    new pokemon?
  11. flight doc89

    Would you travel and pay to goto a large LAN party

    An old buddy of mine built a server just for gaming a while back and every now and then we'd get a bunch of people and go get a couple side-by-side motel rooms and pile in the computers for a night. Alcohol and drugs everywhere. Not your stereotypical pizza-faced nerds, all cool guys. *sigh*...
  12. flight doc89

    Me + Steak + Fire = Chaos

  13. flight doc89

    How easy does your car shift?

    mine takes a sec to shift down into second, but from first>second, usually no prob
  14. flight doc89

    Random Snapshot thread

    wow, your fifth is my fourth
  15. flight doc89

    Me + Steak + Fire = Chaos

    yeah, i saw steak + fire and i was thinking grill. a pan is no way to cook a steak.
  16. flight doc89

    Virginia Tech Shooting

    alright, people, we all know my other post was bullshit. I don't think that the VTech killer is cool, or funny, or good or anything. i just think that it's life, and life is shit. i DO feel sorry for his victims, but i also pity that fucker that killed them. Call me what you will, but i pity...
  17. flight doc89

    Virginia Tech Shooting

    but those avatars are still scary.......
  18. flight doc89

    Virginia Tech Shooting

    alright, peeps, sorry about the avatar, i didn't think you guys would get so pissed off about it. Before you bash me about MY avatar anymore, here's some more eye-candy (that was sarcastic) sure reminds me of a bunch of peoples avatars here. I'm surprised peple haven't started bitching about...
  19. flight doc89

    Virginia Tech Shooting

    NBC wif teh hookup