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  1. Albert

    Feeler on 7m 1ZZ coil Bracket

    That's what I was afraid of, yes the stands will be obsolete. I do have a spare head I will mock these up on
  2. Albert

    7MGTE Smoking when warm up

    If there is too much positive pressure in your block it will restrict your oil being returned into your pan, increasing the oil pressure in the turbo causing oil to seep past the rear piston ring on the shaft.
  3. Albert

    Feeler on 7m 1ZZ coil Bracket

    Ill post up when I have a finished product when I get the extra time. Not enough hours in the day to finish all the small jobs/projects I have.
  4. Albert

    Mystery cam bolt stripped! SOLVED

    Lol that was a 5500rpm stage limit and 7500rpm rev limit only at 15psi Oh well ill be able to do that now and go to 9k no problem.
  5. Albert

    Feeler on 7m 1ZZ coil Bracket

    Finally got a hold of some is coils. Here are the coils inside the 1zz coil bracket to see what changes I have to make. Pretty sure I will have to open up the 3 holes and turn them into rectangles so the coils sit further in. Also the last coil needs to be clock at a slight angle so it...
  6. Albert

    Furious But Lazy 7M owner who gave Up.

    I talk to him almost everyday. He got cornered in a bad situation and didn't have the funds to get out of it. Suck but what can you do.
  7. Albert

    Mystery cam bolt stripped! SOLVED

    Shimless buckets finally in:
  8. Albert

    Ebony: 91 black 1jzgte (proefi friendly)

    New shim less buckets in
  9. Albert

    Your results from the MP T70 turbo?

    Lol I made 407rwtrq on that same 14-18psi pull
  10. Albert

    Your results from the MP T70 turbo?

    I also am running the MP-70 Made 508rwhp at 18psi.(14.7psi creeps to 18psi by 7500) on my 1jzgte last month. On a .68ar Going back on Jan 22nd for the 28-30psi. I now have a .81ar housing on with shimless buckets. 8500-9000 rev is where I wanna be.
  11. Albert

    Your results from the MP T70 turbo?

    I was gonna type that but was too much work to correct him. Thank you for that info, spot on.
  12. Albert

    Mystery cam bolt stripped! SOLVED

    Shim under and shimless are two different Setups.
  13. Albert

    Mystery cam bolt stripped! SOLVED

    Shimless is lighter and you won't spit a shim on rev or antilag etc etc. You you have shims, it is easier to do valve clearance, shimless the cams have to come out and they are twice as much. Shimless is like $13ish for a bucket Shims are like $7ish each
  14. Albert

    Mystery cam bolt stripped! SOLVED

    Brad(te72) is on aem v2 iirc I'm on proefi. Both have a two-step and antilag. Both you can change fuel cut or spark cut as the limiter type
  15. Albert

    Mystery cam bolt stripped! SOLVED

    Usually it is a fuel cut for two step iirc. Antilag does a spark cut, that's why you get the explosion tht can backfeed. I also have a high pressure ratio. 3:1 in my manifold. So also could be bad, that's why I went with the .81ar housing
  16. Albert

    Gurley's 92 Teal 2JZ Project

    Lol 3 out of 4 so far
  17. Albert

    Gurley's 92 Teal 2JZ Project

    This thing needs a tranny rebuild. Pops out of 1st all the time. Marlin crawler time
  18. Albert

    Gurley's 92 Teal 2JZ Project

    Yes I can trollolol
  19. Albert

    Gurley's 92 Teal 2JZ Project

  20. Albert

    Gurley's 92 Teal 2JZ Project

    Hey wanna race now :P