Id like to set my goals really low, and expect 300 horses, then when i dyno and have 350 ill be SUPER happy! :icon_bigg
I would be esctatic with 301 horses!
Have you any link Joe? You tube? Streetfire?
EDIT- OK guys, go to google video and type in WFR Supra in the search. His video's come up!
THeres one, and theres a few others!
Thats gonna be nice! Yeah, i work about 20-23 hours every two weeks :(
Between food, and other "habits" :icon_bigg i dont have a whole lot to spend on the supra!
A supercharger would be SOO reliable anf awesome response! If you do this, i would be SOO interested in getting another engine...
Im hopping to be around, if not over 300 horses!
GTE electonrics
3.5 inch exhaust
Boost controller
Tial BOV
full intercooler and pipes
many, many other things!
All depends on the mods!
If i had the time an knowledge i would be thinging supercharger as well! Unfortunatley im I jsut turned 17 and get 8 bucks an hour every once in a while;)
Yup, i picked it up used on here! Racerxj220 (iirc) sold it to me!
Supra's never been repainted! Awesome condition, never seen snow or any of that crap:)
I cant wait to slap on my bic ddp!!
hahah werdd, i was really just using that as my test unit. I jsut got a high speed pro buffer, (seen in my build thread) and i only have to hit manifold with like a edium grit once, and use the buffer. Pretty much turns out exactly like a mirror :icon_bigg
Pretty sweet! I even offered Matt...
Stage 5 is a clutch. Im no expert in clutchs, but i havn't heard many people at all using the stock pressure plates at 400+ horsepower!
Would it hold? Maybe.
Would i take that chance? No.
iirc means "if i remeber correctly"
And RA of 5 means Ruffnace average!
DO a search for "best headgasket" and start reading! ANd dont be afraid to ask to many questions!
At 400+ horsepower, i would be looking into getting the best possible stuff for your engine. Not reusing stock old pressure plates! Thats jsut my opinion though! :icon_bigg
Also has a big deal to do with how deep your pockets are! How much time you have to build up your engine?
If youve got the money, id say go with the HKS ect, and make sure you tell your machinist to do your block and head to a RA of 5 iirc or as close as he can get it!
Do a lot of reading...
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