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  1. PureDrifter

    New Torsen for the MK3?

    while the LSD portion iirc is the same, the gearing is different between manual and automatic models. manual=3.727:1 automatic=3.909:1
  2. PureDrifter

    JDM Bullsh*t

    so solder joints are going to be less secure than a crimp splices? :aigo: uhh no:nono:
  3. PureDrifter

    Seat debate. Fixed or reclining safty? Sparco ftw!
  4. PureDrifter

    Seat debate. Fixed or reclining safty?

    not a fan of corbeau as they dont offer ANY fia cert or SIA cert seats in the US. Sparco/Momo/etc.. for me.
  5. PureDrifter

    Billet rear diff cover......

    :3d_frown: i wasn't trashing the business, merely stating that i prefer to CNC my own parts when i am competent/able to do so if the alternative is a bit too $$y for me.
  6. PureDrifter

    Rare Rear hatch visor/guard... Opinions.

    anybody got a link to one of the YAJ covers? My japanese is horrible and i can't seem to find one :1zhelp:
  7. PureDrifter

    Billet rear diff cover......

    honestly this could be made for much less in the US, with virgin billet and a CNC machine. but the company wants to make some $$, which isnt a bad thing, except instead of clamoring for a knock off i'd rather just draw up my own in autocad and have a CNC shop make it for me :)
  8. PureDrifter

    Rare Rear hatch visor/guard... Opinions.

    this guy?
  9. PureDrifter

    Rare Rear hatch visor/guard... Opinions.

    i want those quarter window louvers, link for please?
  10. PureDrifter

    My shifter broke...

    wow as far as ghetto rigging goes, that's from a damn gulag.
  11. PureDrifter

    Marlin Crawler Shifer Seat Problem

    i used a ton of silicone grease and a long screwdriver and after much bitching it slid right into place :)
  12. PureDrifter

    Supra vandalism with pics

    this is just ridiculous, but luckily the idiots stupid and messed up enough to do this are GENERALLY too dumb/enraged/enthralled to cover their tracks properly. insurance should be taking care of you.
  13. PureDrifter

    Question about ARP Head Studs?

    iirc you can get away without messing with the cams if instead of using a deep socket use a regular profile with a 3/8" extension.
  14. PureDrifter

    Didn't Pass Smog wtf

    test and swap out the dead O2 sensor, new plugs, new premium gas, and rev the crap out of it for a minute or two (after operating temp) before putting it up on the wheels to get the cat hot.
  15. PureDrifter

    ugrades while head is off

    heli-coil the exhaust studs.
  16. PureDrifter

    would this setup work?

    but he would have to GET one lol, he's stock NA.
  17. PureDrifter

    Plug and Play Lexus Projector Fog kit...

    i'd be interestede in brackets provided they're reasonably priced...
  18. PureDrifter


    im interested just because this pertains to wiring a 2jzge into a mk3 lol.
  19. PureDrifter

    aluminum under body panels?

    ehh, i'm prolly going to end up making my own alum underpanels, with carbon front splitter (functional, of course) from APR since they're local :p