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  1. Adjuster

    I can help solve our national deficit

    Ok, this is a completely different subject, but it deals with taxes being spent. After 911, we had a great opportunity to increase our oil supplies, but failed to do anything about it. What we could have done, was to have passed laws with a 5 year plan. 1) We subsidize the cost of...
  2. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    There are many sources listed in the book. I'm not going to write them all down here. (Again.) Keep in mind, that MOST of the reports have a "global warming" slant written into them, even when the data they are presenting does not clearly support that position, and many of the scientists so...
  3. Adjuster

    dumb things you've heard lately

    Oh, how the education levels differ from topic to topic. Islam is a convert or die religion many times throughout history. Right now is one of them. Look at Africa, or parts of the South East Orient. You either are part of Islam, or your being removed from the planet. Dont' fret however...
  4. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    Funny thing about the polar ice and glaciers world wide. The Ice in Antartica is getting thicker right now. North pole ice has receeded, but glacial movment is hard to track, and study since the data we have is so short term when your talking about ice that is thousands of years old in...
  5. Adjuster

    dumb things you've heard lately

    don't know how, but it double posted. I deleted the text.
  6. Adjuster

    dumb things you've heard lately

    The engine comment is dang funny. I've got a 454, 454hp... Or whatever size it is, they figure it's making about 1 hp per CI. This might be true at the crank, with nothing bolted to the motor. (You know, like a water pump, alternator and things like that.) Most muscle cars that I've seen...
  7. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    Just had to post again, Read the Entire article from ABC. Amazing, simply amazing. The "statement" tagged to the end of the book review notes it as "science fiction" and then goes off on some diatribe that could be pulled, literally from the book, as if written by the author himself. Almost...
  8. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    Charlie has a good point, and that interview snippet is what he says in the book. It is getting slightly warmer. About .04 of one degree C. Four tenths of a degree in 50 years. Ohhh, let's declare the sky is falling. (And he admits that with the urban heat factored out of the values, we...
  9. Adjuster

    San Francisco, shame on you.

    I don't subscribe to the idea that your born into anything, and can't change as a result. Not in this country. And not in some others too. (Limited amount of other free lands, but they do exist.) Anyone, and I mean anyone in this country that works and wants to make it can. Look at Arnold the...
  10. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    I'm not going to post all the links, READ THE BOOK. I'm assuming you know how to read, your here on a board.... There are 42 pages of sources in the bibliography. (Back of the book.) Also many hundred or more footnotes all regarding science texts and other journals etc. Here is one...
  11. Adjuster

    welding = hard

    Learned on stick, have done some TIG, but really, like the MIG for working on smaller projects. IJ's right, Ron does artwork :) and the fit and quality of the finished job is dang nice for sure. One of these days, I'd love to have a FFIM from Ron. Just need to find the money now to do the...
  12. Adjuster

    I just bought an 06 Turbo Diesel Jetta

    What I would like is the turbo diesel from the A8 over here in mine. The 4.2 gas is a fine motor indeed, but the tourqe potential of the diesel version is excellent. (I've read 500+ is an easy mod, on stock turbo's and fuel.) And they get better than 30mpg on the highway. For 104,000...
  13. Adjuster

    dumb things you've heard lately

    I'm sure those on the planes agree with you. Especially the ones that brought down the airplane flight into a field in PA v/s some other innocent people in a building somewhere. (After they learned of the other terrorist acts.) We have been very lucky to intercept many attempts at further...
  14. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    Let us put CO2 into perspective. Sorry, but I think this part of the book is very well written, and since it's based on facts, Mr. Crichton should have no problem with me using a quote. (Might sell him a few more books, so good for him.) Page 426, State Of Fear. (Quote) "They'll show you a...
  15. Adjuster

    I can help solve our national deficit

    Introducing carbon to the cycle is a theory that is again, being proven false by research. Our effect is minimal compared to natural releases of co2 into the atmosphere. (Man's effect that is.) Here is something to consider. Methane gas is a better insulator than co2. (Heck, water vapor...
  16. Adjuster

    San Francisco, shame on you.

    Yep, one of the few times Ben had it wrong. If the man with the jackass had bought another, he would have continued to be productive part of his country. Voting used to be a privilege, not a right. We have it wrong to think of voting as a right. Ben had it wrong. (He was not perfect...
  17. Adjuster

    I can help solve our national deficit

    My point is the oil in the ground in the USA is more plentiful than you have been told to belive. There is plenty of oil in the USA to provide all the oil we are going to need for HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS OR MORE. Not just 20 more years. Or 50, or 100, or 300, but perhaps 500,000...
  18. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    P5150, and Death, you guys are totally making my point here. READ THE BOOK and the footnotes. I can pull data from a graph and make it say whatever I want. Look at the whole history, and suddenly the trend is no longer what you though it was. On the rainforests, do you guys realize that...
  19. Adjuster

    dumb things you've heard lately

    SF saying they don't want the military and guns in their city during this time of war and danger from radical Islam. Very smart indeed. That one should be right up there with "The Japanese will never attack Pearl Harbor" and "The earth is flat." These people are so smart. I home someday to...
  20. Adjuster

    I can help solve our national deficit

    Just love posts where somebody says "let's save money by not spending it on a military/war" whatever. Of course, we could spend the money at home, where we need it. How about on rebuilding homes for those who lost them in Katrina? Or how about a home for everyone in the USA regardless of what...