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  1. Adjuster

    San Francisco, shame on you.

    One more thing. How is land ownership only a "whiteman's" option? I guess you missed the part were on 12.50 an hour I owned my own home, and supported my family? That is available to everyone, not just me because I'm a white male. Keep in mind that I'm 1/6th American Indian too. But...
  2. Adjuster

    San Francisco, shame on you.

    I said right in my post, I DON"T THINK IT'S GOING TO CHANGE. I just said the current voting setup is leading us down a path of distruction. Those on welfare, and the dole, and living in cities with no ties to this country other than they live here, but they don't own anything attached to the...
  3. Adjuster

    New Crusade, or just a anti-Jihad?

    Wow, and I've been accused of thinking science fiction was science fact... 10.00 Hydrogen plants? I'm not saying it's impossible, but when you get that one ready, let me know, and I'll invest all I can in it since your going to become the next Bill Gates overnight. In a book I read years...
  4. Adjuster

    San Francisco, shame on you.

    Dang, this is still alive? Ok, it appears the "Only landowners voting" opinion was a powderkeg as I expected. The reality is I know that the USA as a country will not go back to allowing only those tied to the land to vote. (As it was when the country started, and I think still should be.)...
  5. Adjuster

    You guys are in trouble....

    Actually, if the Solstice has higher ratio 5th gears, that would be a good upgrade for us when rebuilding the R154. (I looked into using the V6 truck final ratio's, but the change would have been minimal. (For better gas mileage, and higher top end speed.) My car has plenty of tourqe, I can...
  6. Adjuster

    New Crusade, or just a anti-Jihad?

    On the subject of death. I don't promote death. I just know it's the only answer for people that are taught to hate from the time they are born. You can't completely change someone like that. Kids that dance in the street when the West dies. They are celebrating our death and distruction...
  7. Adjuster

    New Crusade, or just a anti-Jihad?

    joe w. What I'm saying is your going to have a problem trying to get solar power to work in placed like England, or your home town of Washington on the Western side. Too much cloud cover for it to be effective most of the time. Also it appears they need a huge collector array to get these...
  8. Adjuster

    New Crusade, or just a anti-Jihad?

    Well, might work for AZ, but where the sun don't shine all the time, it's not going to be very effective. (At least from what I've seen.) Also you need to carry alot more hydrogen to get any range in your car at all. (Like 4 times what you carry with petrol.)
  9. Adjuster

    New Crusade, or just a anti-Jihad?

    Producing hydrogen takes more energy than it makes. (There is no free lunch.) Most power plants in the USA are natural gas, or coal fired because we are so biased against nuclear power, and have allowed the envrionmentalists to further screw us on stopping dam building as well. No hydro plants...
  10. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    Actually, I have the 60-1 now, and supporting mods to spool it almost too quickly. (It's like being on a stock CT again. almost instant spool, but the power is being limited at 5500rpm, but the tourqe is excellent at over 470lbs to the wheels.) Mods are 3.24L stroker, ROSS pistons, Pauter...
  11. Adjuster

    Oil prices going down? a 1.50 gas???

    Preimum is 2.35 here in Boise, but down in Salt Lake it's barely over 2.20. I could see 1.50 regular, and 1.70 premium later this year. It should be .99 or less for premium, and about .75 for regular. Hydrocarbons are totally plentiful, and the oil companies know it. "Fossil Fuels" are not...
  12. Adjuster

    New Crusade, or just a anti-Jihad?

    Ok, since we are all debating on other theads things like religion, war and the conncetion between your sword and your pocketbook, let's do it on this thread where we can keep it on topic. (If that's even possible.) My position. After WWII the victors created Israel to try and compensate for...
  13. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    Ok, I admit it's getting warmer. :) Feel better? It's going to get cooler however. And we have nothing to do with it in my opinion, and even if we did, would you not want to stop the next ice age anyway? (Not that we are going to be alive to see it, but you get my point.) The reason I...
  14. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    OK, I suppose I should change my title to: "Global warming theory is over" Really it's just a bunch of hooey to get your money, and create fear in the average Joe. The planet continues on. The sun heats it, or allows it to cool depending on angle and sun intensity. The galaxy, and our own...
  15. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    This one says that thousands of years ago, men growing rice started global warming, and averted an ice age. (Nice theory, but I think it's mis-reading of data.) I put it here to show I'm not closed minded to other ideas, but I do have a pretty critical mind, and this theory has many holes...
  16. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    Here is another. Basicly says we have NOTHING to do with climate change. Get used to it. Quote from this. Executive Summary The Earth currently is experiencing a warming trend, but there is scientific evidence that human activities have...
  17. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    Just for you P5150, here are the references from this ONE article. (All scientic I might add.) (had to cut some off, there is a 15,000 charater limit you know. I just learned that.) References Adler, N. O. de and Elías, A. G. (2000): Solar variability associated to ionospheric...
  18. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    This however, is the best part of the scientific paper on the Sun's relationship to our planets weather and tempature. Read it and weep you last holdouts to the Global Warming Theory. :) (By the way, State of Fear is much better written. To bad this sun data was not used in the book, it's...
  19. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    Here, this is funny stuff. Guess I was wrong, the little ice age is 10,000 years, and every 100,000 is the big one. You wanted sources? YOU GOT EM! Read this and weep, it's long, it's dry and it's scathing on the GW theory. (Using I might add, data that is very...
  20. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    P5150, are you afraid to read the book?